
How do I get my parents to increase curfew time

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Hi, I'm 15 and need help!I'm mature for my age and do look quite alot older as people always mistake my age, I am not an immature person when it comes to goign out. I do not go aroudn the streets shouting and being rude. My current curfew for the summer is 7.30 which is pathetic really, and this is only for the summer holidays, normally its 5.30 which is even worse. I do not see why it is so early. How can I persuade/negotiate with my parents to increase my curfew time. I only want to increase it so that when I'm out with my friends in the park or at the cinema I can stay out longer than my other friends. Also I'm not really allowed to go and just hang out with my friends on weekdays after school or stay at their houses. Also I have to go to bed at like 11.30 on a weekend and holidays while all my friends stay up much later and on school nights I have to be in bed for 9.30/10 Help me.




  1. oh how i feel your pain.

    bring the subject up and tell them that you don't think it is reasonable that you have to be in so early.  If you have respectable friends that your parents trust bring that up as well.  Tell your parents you do not expect to be out until the early morning hours, just a little later so you can go to a movie or hang out at a friends house.  Maybe see if they will allow people to come to your house but have it where people have to leave at a certain hour.

    At 15, I think 10 or even 11 is fine.  Maybe see if you can do more around the house, or keep your grades up, and also if you don't come home late that will show that you are responsible enough to have this curfew, sometimes come home early to show that you don't always need to be out late.

    when you talk to them don't get all frustrated talk to them calmly and give them time to state their clame.

    good luck!!

  2. You could prepare some sort of presentation, having done research on other people's curfews, pros and cons of you staying out later, and reasons for why you should be allowed to stay out later, ie doing more housework than when you were younger, your grades being good, or whatever you can think of really. Parents much prefer a well presented argument, and it will show you as a lot more mature than if you just nag them.

  3. Show them how responsible and trustworthy you can be.  Make sure to get everything done that you need to like homework or chores.  If they ask you to do something, do it.  Treat them with respect and you will get respect back.  Try not to nag at them about it, but explain why it is important to you to be able to stay out longer.  It may take some time, but it'll get better...good luck!

  4. suggest going to a film with your freinds that finishes say 21:00 ask your parents if you can go say what time you'll be back. if they say yes then you can probably get away with this more often.  but just sit down and have a chat with them.

  5. sit them down & say "mom,dad we need to talk"

    then say,i want my curfew to be  later

    then beg,and beg until they give up or you get sent up to your room

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