
How do I get my parents to let me get my lip pierced?

by  |  earlier

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I have really wanted this for a long time. I don't care if you don't think it will look good and I don't care if you think its a bad idea. I just want to know how I can make it happen.

Its not a matter of them not liking piercings. I have my nose done. And my mother also has her nose and her toung done (but she took out the toung piercing). Its just that they think it will ruin my teeth. Also I'm sure I probably wont regret it seeing as i have wanted it for about 2 and a half years.




  1. i would give them examples about people who have there lip peirced that havent had it affect there teeth. Also explain to her mom that she had tongue peircing that could have affected her adversely but it did not.

  2. ohh ohhh ohhhh get yours done how i had it its straight down the lip it hurts like a muther *** but it looks better than anything else and it doesnt touch your teeth

  3. you shouldn't they look not good

    need points, please rate as best answer

  4. It will cause teeth problems and dental work isn't cheap. Don't do it.

  5. you can imagine some children born with torn lips sometimes when you get infections from that you will look just like them.

  6. Put a fish-hook through it then say...."There! it's done!! even saved the money...." then put a ring in

  7. your parents sound like really sool people.

    I would trust their judgement until you can make the

    decision on your own.

    You wont regret it

    and your relationship with them will just get better

  8. You may as well wait until you're 18 and then the decision will be all yours.

  9. Well i'd show them some articles/web pages that point out that it won't mess up your teeth. I'd also try explaining to them that a piercing is better then an addiction or pregnancy, that one always works :]

  10. You better care because if you want to get a job they WON'T hire you if you looking like a pin cushion.  The parent should say what I going to tell you and that is "NO!!!!!". Have a nice day!!!  

  11. Well, I fought with my 'rents when I was a teen about this. Now, that I'm an adult I still look back and laugh it isn't a big deal as I turned out alright (good job, own my own place), but convincing your parents might be tough.

    Though your mom had piercing I don't see why it would be a problem (but listen to your parents, I'm sure they want what is best for you), there are way more worse things you could be doing. Also, I had this piercing done and my teeth are fine, I'm now 30 and no piercing to show...oh, but it may leave a small scar, you will look back and laugh at yourself. Ah, youth how fun it can be, good luck convincing your parents.

    You could say what about a tattoo, I'm sure a piercing is a lot better at least it isn't permanent. Or are you going to pay for it yourself? I worked as a teen and paid my way, some people think people get piercing for attention but I'm a creative gal it was just another faze I went though.

    If not wait till your 18, it will be here sooner than you know it.

  12. you can look up piercings on line and see what the chances of it damaging your teeth are. You can have friends that have it talk to them. Sounds like your mom is pretty cool, if she didn't damage her teeth with a toung ring then you probably wont with a lip ring.

    You should tell them to let you get so you will get it out of your system before you have to enter the real world.

    Believe me, I had a hard time in my 30's getting a real job with an eyebrow ring. I finally had to take it out all together. enjoy your teen years. !

  13. Why can't you just wait until you're 18?

  14. When I wanted a piercing my parents were totally against it. I finally convinced them by saying I would pay for it and if it did get infected like they predicted it would I said I would pay them the same amount I paid for the piercing. They said no, so I waited until I was 18, by then I didn't even want it anymore.  

  15. I know you don't want to hear it, but don't do it!  I have scars/tattoos.  I was like you...never was going to regret anything. I was wrong.  2 and a half years is nothing.  You aren't even going to know exactly who you are for a while to come...don't permanently place yourself somewhere just yet.

  16. i also wanted a lip ring at one point, but now i want a septum. anyways try telling your mom that if it ruins your teeth (and if you clean it and take care of it and listen to the people who pierced it, it wont happen) you will just take it out and let it heal back up, when it heals its just like a little dot. some skin types it looks more noticeable but never THAT noticeable.

    hope this helps [:

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