
How do I get my parents to support me buying a house?

by Guest44979  |  earlier

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I don't mean financial support, but just to support the idea. I'm 26 and two years ago I moved 400 miles from where I grew up for a job. My job's going well, and I've made a lot of contacts in the city I'm living in now. I have friends here and a good church as well.

The problem is my parents would really like me to come home eventually and if I buy a house it would mean me staying where I am. I love my parents, but professionally (and also in terms of housing costs) it's much better for me here.

I have talked to them about it and they do want me to be happy, but I understand that they miss me and would like me closer. I want them to be happy for me if I buy a house and not sad. Any advice?




  1. Go ahead and buy it, send photos and be really positive they will come around and be very proud of you for your accomplishments

  2. Its sweet that you care about this!

    Reassure them. They are afraid of losing their son! Invite them to come and look at houses with you, maybe include them in some of it. Show them a spare bedroom, where they can sleep when they come and visit you..that sort of thing. Explain the money you will be saving buying vs renting.

    Just keep in contact with them. My son's in highschool and i'm already dreading him leaving in a few years! i can understand their feelings. Just show them that you don't plan on deserting them :)

  3. Try finding a house in their neighborhood. And once in a while, come and visit them with gifts.

  4. It's nice you care and worry so much about their feelings, but it's your job to go out and be the person they raised you to be, and it's their job to do the worrying.  That's what they really want from you.  They'll be sad, but mostly proud.

    Ask them if they'd prefer you were unsuccessful asking for money and moving back home.

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