
How do I get my parents to take me to the dermatologist.?

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Okay, So I have acne that doesn't seem to clear up.

And my parents just say it is a teenage thing, that will it will go away if you wash your face twice a day, and I do. I had acne for about 1 year and 1/2.

I know acne is like a teenage thing but I would really like to go to a dermatologist to see what they say.

How do I convince my parents to take me to the dermatologist?




  1. just say that you feel that you really need to go see one and that you believe thats what you need to do....or use good face wash

  2. Tell them that you've had it for over a year and that it's not getting any better. Yes, acne in a teenage thing, but some peoples are worse than others, so they need to use prescribed treatment for it. If your parents still don't take you, ask a relative to take you.

  3. do your homework. look up teenage acne on as many websites as possible. show them what you learned and tell tham why it concerns you. it might just be a teenage thing. may not. but you have to show your parents that it is actually a concern of yours.

    start by looking on

    i hope this helps

  4. Print pictures of people with acne scars that are really bad and put them on the refrigerator.  Acne can cause scarring even if you try to treat it and you don't pick and pop zits.  Here's some :

    Call your insurance company (the number is on the back of the card) and see what dermatologists are covered in your area. You can take this info to your parents. It'd be easier for them to say yes when you already know the who, what, where etc.  

    Explain to them that it's hurting your self esteem, making you feel unattractive and everything.  Cry. Don't whine, but cry like it's really bothering you.

    Also tell them that yeah, acne is a teenage thing, but diaper rash is also a baby thing, but when it gets too bad or doesn't go away, people take their babies to the doctor.  Same goes with blood pressure.  It's a human thing, but when it gets high, it's bad and people go to the doctor.  Same goes for blood sugar.  They're your parents and they should want you to be healthy. Dermatologists are doctors, and doctors are there to make you healthy.

    P.S. I use persagel from clean and clear, and it works WELL for me.  It's quite strong, but it works great.  I suggest you try that or any other acne drug that says it has an active ingredient of 10% benzoyl peroxide (a lot have benzoyl peroxide, but 10% is strong)

    Good luck.

  5. Just say..

    "Dad..Mom, I NEED to go to a dermatologist. This is not just a teenage thing. It's not going to go away on it's own. Please take me. If you care about me, you'd make me an appointment."

    =) Hopefully they give in.

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