
How do I get my ring back?

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I recently broke up with (My now ex)fiance. She has her ring and I would like it back so I could sell it. When I broke it off, she didn't mention anything about giving it back. But I really want to sell it and the ring was a pretty large sum.

Please tell me a way to word a letter asking for the ring back! Thanks!




  1. go 2 her and ask, if all else fails pimp hand... or small claims court

  2. You broke up with her. Regardless of WHAT she did, legally it's her ring not yours since you broke it off.

    If she broke up with you, then you'd be legally allowed to take the ring back.

  3. Depending on how she is if you write her a letter you will never see the ring.  You should talk to her face to face and explain to her that the ring was a symbol of something that is no longer there and that you would like to have it back.  I understand that you bought it, but she probably sees it as a gift that shouldn't have to be returned.  You will just have to press the fact that she should no longer keep a token of a love and "marriage" that will never be there.  Good luck and please no letter, that will just make things very ugly.

  4. Technically, it is a gift and she doesn't have to give it back. In general etiquette, if she breaks it off, she returns the ring to you. But if YOU bought the ring, you don't get to ask for it back.

    I don't know what happened between you two, but maybe you can learn from this, and in the future don't propose to anyone you aren't sure about. It's pretty messed up to break up with someone and demand gifts back.

  5. It's actually your property since the wedding didn't take place (I've seen stories on this in the news).  I'd ask her for it back and then consider going to court if she doesn't give it back.  You don't need to have an attorney to file in small claims.

  6. I've seen a situation like this on court tv...  the judge said... if you got engaged on a non holiday.. and the ONLY reason for the ring is the promise of marriage and the guy breaks it off, she can keep it in the eyes of the law.  if she breaks it off, the law says she has to give it back.  she did something wrong, but YOU broke it off, so even if you took her to court, you wouldn't get it back.  (if you gave her the ring as a promise and during a holiday, i.e. christmas, birthday, etc.), regardless of who broke it off, the law says she keeps it.)

    i feel for you... my opinion is you deserve it back. and if she's any kind of respectful girl, she'd give it back. especially considering she cheated... if she had any heart, she'd give it back to you.  i would try calling her, not a letter.

    i'm not sure how all this really works legally, but here's a situation that i hope sparks an idea.  i was engaged to someone else before i was married.  he broke it off. he tried to get the ring back from me... (i wasn't going to give the ring back until i got all my **** out of his house.)  so, as i was moving all my **** out.. .he called the police to force me to give the ring back, while i was in the middle of moving out.  he told the police he had all the paperwork to prove he purchased the ring. the paperwork from the store had his name on it, but the credit card he used was mine (long story... he asked to borrow it and then paid it all back in cash-) so technically, he bought the ring, but the paper trail had my name on it.  the police couldn't force me because it was in my name.  (after i got my **** out, i gave him the ring and as they put the money back on my card, i took out the cash and gave it back to him... i didn't want anything from him)....

    so here's my point... i know what i saw on court tv.... but the police in Pennsylvania said they could have forced me if the entire paper trail had his name on it.  so if your paper trail has your name on it... and she says no to giving it back... call the police and say she has something of yours, you can prove it... see what happens.

    good luck.

  7. wow!!!!!!! u seriousley dont know aahahahah!!

  8. Law (depending on the state) if you broke it off she keeps it.  If she broke it off she has to give it back.  The right thing to do would be to give it back, there's no need for it if you guys aren't going to get married.  Ask for it back, and if she doesn't want to give it back, look up the laws for it where you live, and sue her to get it back if you can.

  9. If a man ends the engagement he doesn't get the ring back; it is returned only if the woman breaks the engagement.

  10. Ask her to give it back and if she doesn't then take it you court.  You paid for it so it's yours since you broke up.

  11. The rule is: if she broke it off, she returns it. If you broke it off, she keeps it. However, in this situation, she broke it off by cheating on you. I would write a simple letter explaining that because the engagement is off, you would like to have the ring returned. Just be clear, concise, and cordial. Make a copy of it as well.  

  12. No letter. You need to talk to her face to face.

    Saying something like "That ring was promise to marry me. If we're not getting married, give me back my ring."

    Then get prepared for a small claims court case if she says no.

  13. Here's a draft...

    Dear Rich Rita,

    Unfortunately, things didn't work out between us.  It would only be right for us to take away from this relationship what we put into it.  I would like to request the return of my engagement ring.  If you don't wish to return it at this time, I'll see you on Judge Judy.


    Jilted Joe

  14. At the risk of sounding sarcastic, put yourself in her situation and think about what you would do.

    I personally believe that, under the circumstances, she should give the ring back because you gave it to her in good faith at the time and she broke that faith.

    If you gave it to her and you broke up for not being able to reconcile your differences then she should keep it.

    I don't think that anything you could write or say would get the ring back unless she is truely sorry for what she did.

    Not a good comparison, but if she gave you an expensive fishing pole, in good faith, and broke up with you after finding out that you cheated on her, would you give it back?

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