
How do I get my sister to behave?

by  |  earlier

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She talks back A LOT and she acts REALLY spoiled--expects everything to be done for her and thinks she can do whatever she wants. Please and thanks for any help/advice.:)




  1. You can tell her how you feel and tell her it isn't cute when she acts like that

  2. Lol, my sis and bro are like thaT! I cant change them no moatter what I do. I just tell them that if they dont listen to me, ill throw them downstaires in the dark where a big spider will eat them, or just say that "Ill tell dad if you dont listen". Both work XD

  3. It's probably the way you respond to her. Some people know how to get a response or a reaction from most people and they enjoy the fact that they can control the moment. I'd say ...don't feed into so much of her nonsense,and get back the contentment that you let her violate. GOOD LUCK!!

  4. just  tell here

  5. you should talk to her and let her understand that you are older and she needs to respect that. if she get out of line again you beat her and let her know who's boss. you might not want to do it but you have to be stern on her and let her understand that she has to act right. good luck

  6. You probably have but try talking to her. I have a younger sister who acts just like that sometimes, but usually all I have to do is tell her she's being a jerk and to knock it of. Then I usually don't talk to her for a while so she knows I didn't like what she did. I hope I helped.

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