
How do I get my son back?

by  |  earlier

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My son is 20 years old. He has a girlfriend that he has been with for 5 years. OMG...she is totally psycho!!!!! I have never met someone as disturbed as this girl. They have now had a baby. She holds the baby over everyone's head...including order to control us. I just don't understand how he could continue to be with someone that makes his life a living h**l. I thought he would eventually get tired of it and move on but five years later we are still here. Can anyone tell me how to get through to this kid or how long it is gonna take for him to finally move on?




  1. Your son is an adult and a parent now.  You are asking how to control your son and yet you complain that this girl is doing so.  Obviously you prefers to be under her control rather than your's.  He has that right, he is an adult.

  2. you know i am going through the same thing with my daughter, also twenty. I have seen my grandson maybe three times in the last year. I finally put my foot down, quit worrying and let it go. He will most definitely need you one day. Until then, don't let them see you worry cause it is like an adrenaline thing for them. The more she sees you worry and stress over this the more she gets off on it. It hurts not getting to see the grand-baby I know. But hold your head up and turn your back... see what happens.  

  3. Well, their relationship is theirs. They have to learn whatever they have to learn in life. The only thing you can do is to lend him or her your ears if they need, but keep your opinions to yourself, unless requested. Tell them that your door will always be open if they need. With time they will get more mature.

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