I'll try to make this brief.
I have a 19 month old son. Until 14 months or so he was eating all table food I gave him. I was still giving some baby food because I felt like he wasn't getting all the nutrients he needed. All of a sudden he refused to eat table food - would only eat baby food (14 months old). I tried everything. He had a few favorites (3 things) he would still eat. I was making him 2-3 meals for every meal to try to get him to eat, then caving in and giving baby food.
The doc said, just give him what you make him. If he doesn't eat it, let him go play and he will eat later. I tried that but 2 hours later he thinks he is starving to death and just cries and cries until I give what he wants.
THEN we went to Russia to visit family for a month. We just got back. While there he ate next to nothing. One meal a day of soup and chese and fruit. Now he eats only fruit and cheese.
WHAT CAN I DO TO GET HIM TO EAT REAL FOOD??? I've stopped the baby food.