
How do I get my son to start eating?

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My son used to eat everything but then all the sudden he would not dare touch any baby food. He was eating fruit for awhile and now that stopped, it just seems he does not want anything but junk (no I do not give him any but my dh does he will not work with me on this what so ever). What do I do?




  1. tell ur dh? to STOP giving him junk food, if he doesnt listen then tell your son, "no junk food im sorry, you goota eat healty foods and fruits." if he doesnt then tell him then you go hungry. he will eventually get the point and want to eat what he ate b4

  2. would you eat the "baby food"?  give the kid some real food in small edible portions and healthy snacks.  he needs lotsa water, too.  he'll eat when he's hungry.  if there's no junk in the house, he can't eat any.

  3. I've been in the same situation, unfortunately. I have had to become VERY strict with my kids to get them to eat right. If dh gives your son junk, take it out of his hands, throw it away, and tell him he must eat his lunch/dinner before he can have that stuff. Keep offering healthy snacks between meals, and try to go around what your dh is teaching your son.  I also taught my kids that they are never allowed to accept food of any kind from my in-laws without checking with me.(we all live together...not fun!) Inshaa'Allah, If you are consistant, you'll be ok!

    Good luck!

  4. Bribe him to eat his food. say if he eats all of his healthy food, he'll get a small treat after dinner!

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