
How do I get my step-daughter to stop smacking while she is eating?

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We tell her to stop smacking or close her mouth all the time while she is eating but she keeps doing it!! We don't have her every night though and I don't think her mom is working with her on it, but it is driving me absolutely crazy!!!!




  1. I agree with asking her to please close her mouth.  There also could be a medical problem.  I used to not be able to close my mouth with I ate because I couldn't breathe through my nose when I did it.  I eventually had to get my tonsils and adnoids out and it worked wonders.  I never had the problem again.  Maybe you should look into this route.

  2. Give her a warning. If she continues to smack her food, calmly take her plate away. Dinner is over for her if she can't eat politely. Expect resistance. Stay firm.

  3. She will not stop what she is doing if her mother isn't teaching her at home. Which sounds like to me that she isn't. How does your husband feel about this. You haven't mentioned him? Is he trying to break his daughters bad habit? Cause if he isn't and either is the biological mother. Then I don't know what to tell you. He should be the one to break her of the bad habit. And he should be the one talking with the mother about them working together to help their daughter to stop this annoying behavior.

  4. Whoa now.  Take it easy on her.  Make sure she doesn't have nasal congestion.  It may just be hard for her to breath through her nose.

    Eat at different times so you don't lose it.

  5. My Mom told us at very early ages. Lips together teeth apart.

    Tell her that the kids in school will make fun of her. My nephew got in trouble in kindergarten for smacking the sitting  kid in the lunch room for smacking.

  6. If she has a stuffy nose or something like chronic allergies she would chew with her mouth open so she can breath.

    Does she normally keep her mouth open not talking? Does she snore?

  7. did you try saying "chew with your mouth closed honey" & when she does say "wow you have such nice manners" that worked with my son, ofcourse he was 2 at the time.

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