
How do I get my teachers to favor me?

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I'm a university student , 1st year in a program but I've been an independent student for 2 years.

I want to know how to have my teachers like me without beeing a suckup or have the rest of the class hate me .

I'm a good student (4.0 average and aiming higher) .

I always sit in the front. I am friendly , but you wouldn't tell by looking at me lol.

I just feel like I always do the wrong thing with the teachers though. Maybe it's just me but I feel like I might be asking too many questions or asking an obvious one . Or I'm beeing overly polite sometimes.

So any tip is welcome .




  1. I dont understand why a teacher's admiration is better than that over your peers.  If it is that important to you, then I would find out what he likes and what he does on campus at night (if anything) then try to be there and get to know him and/or her.

  2. Be yourself and don't try too hard. They'll either like you or they won't, no matter what you do. Teachers don't like suck-ups or students that ask lots of useless questions. How can you aim higher than 4.0? That's the highest GPA there is. Good luck with that.

  3. stop trying to get the teachers to favor you and like you.  They are there to teach you and they value a good student.  You have the brain power so concentrate on learning the subject you are there to learn and let the rest take care of itself.  If you think you are asking too many questions then stop asking them.  Only ask questions that you need the answer to at that time and cannot find the answer to on your own.  Do not interrupt the flow of the class by asking unnecessary questions...this will have just the opposite effect of what you want.

  4. Sit up str8 and stare at them like they're the most interesting creature you've ever seen. Worked for me. (i'm hot)

  5. Depending on your gender, just ask what they want done "under the desk", if you know what I mean.

    If they don't go for it, just drop your shirt and/or pants.

    That'll get uhm. I got my masters that way.

  6. Don't talk or daydream keep it that simple! And please pay attention!

  7. Just be yourself.. Smile when you try to be friendly.. also not just at the teacher.. at the fellow students as well .. and it's good to ask questions.. but try to ask questions that are important to you.. and which are relevant to the subject.. Don't be overly polite.. be polite. as you would be to everyone.. that includes teachers and fellow students.. otherwise it will appear to everyone you want them to favour you and that they  can't do.. they have to be fair.. and they have to treat each student the same.. you are all students together you could offer some help to the weaker ones.. that will make you more popular with the students. and it will show generosity and team spirit and the teachers like to see that.. .but don't try to gain extra favours.. that is not the rule.  you are all equals there and none of you is superior.. Be glad of your grades... and be polite and work towards your goals.. you go to university to achieve your goals not to please the teachers but to be proud of yourself. they will be proud of every student who puts effort in his or her work.. you gain respect with the teachers that way.. but don't try to gain favouritism. xx

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