
How do I get my teenage son motivated?

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My teenage son has such a carefree attitude. All he wants to do is lay around and play video games. Help!




  1. Have a look to see whats in your area, maybe you and him plan a few things to do during the week. Find out what he likes and and use that to find an activity to do.

    Oh yeah maybe he needsd more responsibilty. A weekend job or helping out some where.

  2. Well who bought him the video games? What type of work ethic did you instill in him as a small child? What responsibilites did you give him? Did you teach him he has to work to earn things he WANTS? I mean this didn't happen overnight.

  3. beat the S**t outta him once or twice and then he'll be scared of you and do whatever you say. it works, for real. and also dont be like "honey...blah blah blah" tell him straight whats up and what needs to happen. those kinda kids that you have, are the ones that are gunna end up in the gutter!


  5. My boyfriend was like that before he got his job - he wouldn't listen to anyone about getting a job, neither me nor his mother. If he's over 16 or the legal age to move out in your country, then it's time to hand over an ultimatium. Actually you could threaten him with it anyway. Sit him down with his dad (or just you) and say, "You need to start (fill in) otherwise you'll have to move out/when you're 16/18, you'll have to move out."

    Tell him to get involved with things he likes, like going to a video games club or whatever.

  6. While hes sitting on his butt with his room being a mess invite some hot girls over and send them into his room and when they see him bein all lazy theyll be disgustd and he'll be embarrassed and do more stuff in case you ever pull that again.

  7. Go out spend . Go to the philippines a nice place for the bonding between you and your son. I been there also, it's a nice place to stay. I really love it. It's save.

  8. one word: money

  9. He's just like every other teenage boy on earth

    Don't worry about it, h**l snap out of it

    Or just ground him


  10. I've had some success with not letting my son play video games or watch tv until he's read and practiced his guitar for a certain amount of time.

    I also made a deal with him where I pay him a small amount to cook dinner and clean every night. He's happy to earn the money, I'm happy to get him off the couch and help out.

    Good luck. Maybe he'll overdose on video games at some point. I think my son might be approaching that...

  11. He's a teenager, he is not going to be motivated for anything besides video games and p**n no matter what you do haha.

  12. Just let him be a kid for a while. He'll grow up in a few short years.

  13. Reward him each time he gets full times or close or so........

    Each time he says no...... just give him encouragement to do work...

    Good Luck.

  14. can you send him to study abroad?  try and exchange program, you can be a host to someone else while he is abroad.  he will gain motivation and a new language.  what do you think?  latin america is a nice option.

  15. hes a teenager untill we get responsibilities its what we do dont you remember?

  16. Unplug the video game machine and point him in the direction of the lawn mower.

  17. Use money.        Money is the key to a teenager

    Ok, ok I know it's bribery but it works! Tell him that you can give him money if he helps around the house. Sometimes teenagers can be dense though (my sister was like this) and if you just say money they don't want it, if you suggest things they can do with the money (buying new video games!) then it'll work hopefully. Or use blackmail, but then your son might start to hate you.

    Or you could just accept that he's a teenager, it's a phase and he'll grow out of it :)

  18. how old is he, get him a job

  19. Kick him out of bed at a resonable time and tell him to get a job. Charge him a small amount of rent so he has some responsibility and set some rules. All he needs is a bit of discipline and a small amount of responsibility to get him going.

    Good Luck x

  20. Give him some viagra

    lol sorry, urm, tell him you'll buy him stuff if he does what you say


    give him money


  21. Most teenage boys are that way.  Have him sign up for things he's interested in... summer camps... baseball team...karate... things like that.

  22. easy! do something outside ! but if its really fun and something he would be able to continue , trust me , theres alot more cooler things to do out there!! and support it! (after all lifes a game)

  23. Alright, girl, you need to is have a straight forward cinfrontation with your son. If he is going to be a lazy so and so then he doesn't respect himself or anybody around him.  There isn't any other way to put it so put it bluntly and what you think. If he gets upset then he'll learn say you only whats best for him

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