
How do I get my three year old to stop talking like a baby?

by Guest31627  |  earlier

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My son is 3 and has just started talking like a baby to get attention I'm sure. My wife and I just had a baby girl 2 months ago and were sure this is what has sparked the baby talk. My wife is wanting to ignore it but I am getting aggrivated and I'm wanting to keep telling him to talk like a big boy. What techniques should I use to get him to stop talking like a baby.




  1. He's probably jealous that you pay more attention at your baby, so he wants to sound like her or just be as cute as her. Spend more time with him. Teach him to read and give him some newspapers. He'll wish to act like speakers from TV and he'll start feeling like an adult: important and better than others.

  2. Both you and your wife should not talk like a baby to your new born and make sure other people talk normal around your son.

  3. Its probably because he hears you and your partner talking baby talk to the new baby, a bit of jealously.

    make sure you explain to him he needs to talk like a big boy and make sure that you also talk to him they way you want him to talk. he will eventually get bored of it.

  4. It sounds like a reaction to the baby. Don't get too worried.

    When he asks for something in baby talk, look confused and ask him to repeat himself. Use phrases like: "I'm sorry, I don't understand."  "Could you say that again?" "I don't understand you when you talk like that" and "Are you feeling okay? Because I can usually understand you.."

    A little bit of backsliding is okay and normal and some language can get a bit messed up when a kid is having a growth spurt---BUT if this is deliberate, intense baby-talk then refuse to give him anything or answer him unless he speaks close to the way he used to speak.

    Are you using "baby talk" with the baby? If so, why not ditch the baby talk altogether and just speak normally? Not solely for the 3 yr old, but also for the infant.

  5. Don't get aggravated, its attention -good or bad- that he wants so your wife is right! Don't show any reaction, but DO make sure you give him special attention when he IS talking properly. Its natural he is having to take a backseat because of the baby so give him extra reassurance and encourage him to help out so he feels a part of it all!

  6. Its probably because he hears you and your partner talking baby talk to the new baby, a bit of jealously.

    make sure you explain to him he needs to talk like a big boy and make sure that you also talk to him they way you want him to talk. he will eventually get bored of it.

    ******** Karaminder S cant you think of your own answers that you have to copy and paste mine?

  7. you can.t just tell him, you have to show him, he will talk the way he hears you or his mother talk, take time to talk to him ,or let him be a baby a little longer. mothers hate to turn lose of a baby,.good luck judy hibbs lenoir nc.

  8. I would pretend like you can't understand him every time he talks like a baby, Wrinkle your brow, look confused, and say "I'm sorry, I can't understand you. Can you talk normally?" Refuse to understand him until he talks clearly. Then immediately do whatever he was asking you to do, or engage in conversation with him.

  9. Stop talking baby talk to anyone. It doesn't do anything special for babies to hear "goo goo gaa gaa!". Real words said in a sing-songy voice work just as well. As for your son,don't answer him till he uses his big boy words, and don't carry on conversations with him when he's talking like that...he'll get tired of it soon enough.

  10. well don't talk to the new baby in baby talk. Especially in front of your son. maybe spend more one on one time with your son just to show him its not all about the baby.  Find a new big boy activity that you know he would enjoy, but he cant do it unless acts and talks like a big boy. GOOD LUCK!!!!

  11. Talk to your son like a big boy/adult. Do not use baby talk or acknowledge his use of baby talk. As for your two month old, it is always good to repeat sounds, but the more you talk to her like a big girl, the quicker she will pick up on phonetics and talking (for future reference, I know she is a baby right now!)

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