
How do I get my two 1/2 year old to listen?

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He has such a hard time listening!! I tell him to stop doing something and he just looks at me and keeps doing it! I have tried spanking him and I always use a strong voice! I have put him in time-out and have even taken his toys from him and still nothing changes! I have no idea what to do!!! I just had a baby girl she is now 2 weeks old and it seems like its just gotten worse! I feel really bad because I feel like all I do is scream and tell him no and spank him all day! Help what should I do??




  1. I have a little boy going on 3, and he is the same way, however, I do not spank him, because I don't want him to think its ok to hit (he has 2 younger brothers). I believe its just the terrible 2's and the fact that there is a baby in the house and he isn't getting all the attention he used to get. Give it some time, try to stay patient and each time he is doing something wrong, get down to his level, explain what he is doing wrong and tell him its not ok. Good luck.

  2. Remember that they are so young that they have no clue how to communicate a complicated emotion or idea; so it's either happy or pitching a fit.  My 2 1/2 year old reacts well to being removed from the situation, telling her VERY simply what will happen if she doesn't stop, and then following through EVERY time. Amping up your voice and spanking a lot tends to teach a very negative lesson to someone who is looking up to you on how to behave. Relax, make sure your little person is well fed and rested...that goes for you too!  By the way, I only spank for the big stuff, like endangering themselves as it makes a quick impression.

  3. With little kids I always suggest not saying no or stop.  When your son is doing something you want him to stop try directing his attention to something else, give him something positive to do instead.  Lots of kids also have trouble dealing with a new baby.  Whenever you get a chance try and spend some one on one time with your toddler, its easy for a kid to feel 'forgotten' when a new baby arrives.  One last thing I would do is really focus on your sons good behavior.  Whenever he does something right REALLY REALY praise him, that way he will want to do the things that get him good attention.

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