
How do I get my wife more interested in s*x?

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After two children she doesn't seem to be as interested. I think she is most likely tired. I get frustrated often. I have communicated this to her but it doesn't seem to change things. I'm deeply in love with her and she is very s**y. I am only interested in her. How can I get things to change?




  1. give her a romantic getaway without the children, and let her rest for a full day and then make the room unforgettable, like candles, flowers bubble bath and room service and then just serve her and give it to her over and over.

  2. Maybe she is afraid to get pregnant again?

  3. You both have two children, so the first question you should ask yourself is.... WHY is she so tired and you aren't?

    You want to change the situation? Do half of everything and stop expecting your wife to be super mom. Why should all the responsibility of taking care of the kids, cleaning the house, doing the laundry, and cooking all the meals be mostly on your wife's back? Treat her like your equal and do your share and she won't be so tired and in time.... (not over night) she will feel a lot more romantic toward you.  

  4. Get her this book, "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" by Dr. Laura Schlessinger.  It is wonderful reading and has brought me and my marriage back to life!

  5. Men and women see s*x differently. For men, it's more of a physical thing. They feel loved if they get s*x. But for women, it's more of an emotional thing...women need to feel desired and comfortable in order to want to have s*x. (Women take longer to feel fulfilled, too, so quickies don't always work out for them.)

    I agree with other answers...Perhaps you need to talk to her and explain how you feel. She needs to understand marriage is hard work and that it takes "two to tango"....Try making things easier for her. Help out with the kids and see if you can have some couple time, alone, without the kids around. Unless she is relaxed and happy, s*x will be the last thing on her mind.

  6. Dude you forgot, women are mental--men are physical.

    Here is exactly what you do:  Drop the kids off at a sitter overnight (preferably your sibling, or grandparents so that neither of you will be worried about them all night because they'd be with family).  Clean up the house, and make an outstanding candlelit meal (if you can't cook, get great take-out).  Then walk her into the bathroom (that you also cleaned), where there is a bubble bath and waiting for her, with soft music.

    She'll be so surprised that you went to all the effort, and will look at you in a whole new light.

  7. Have s*x with somebody else.  I can guarantee you she'll take an interest in it then.

  8. I tried this and that when I was married. We went to hotels costing a fortune each time, nothing, bought flowers, took off work early yada yada yada NOTHING.

    Try THIS, go get a hotel but leave her at home with the kids and get SOME. Leave her at HOME, because she ain't gonna put out and go get what you need. She has no right to force you into celibacy if you don't want to be celibate, just the same way you should not force her to put out to you. PLAIN and SIMPLE. Either way you will be the dirty rat dog on this so just go get what you need. Good Luck . . . .been there did that, didn't even want the T-shirt, just wanted out.

  9. Remind her how beautful you think she is and how much you love her

  10. Women love to be the center of attention.  Take your wife out and focus all your attention on her but make sure she also has room to relax and breathe after chasing around these two children all week.  Put some effort into your plans and remember the things you two used to enjoy together.  Lots of cuddling and love and do it at least once a mos if you can it'll relieve her stress some and she'll have time to enjoy you and let the kids run from her mind for a bit so she can remember herself for a while.

    Good luck

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