
How do I get my young Lovebird to eat treats/food from my hand?

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I have a young Lovebird (about 1 1/2 - 2y/o) I have ALWAYS tried to get her to eat her seeds, fruit, or birdie treats from my hands. If I try and give them through her cage she just fluffs up and hops around the cage (she is scared of it) If I give it to her in my hand she doesn't care xP

I think she took a sunflower seed ONE time but she just dropped it to the bottom of the cage...she doesn't like any fruits (lol she is scared of them and toses them to the bottom of the cage even if I just put them in her food bowl)

Is there anyway I can "train" her to eat fruits or even eat from my hand? She is very social and loves to be around me, just tp let you know I can touch/hold her and all. Do some birds just never eat from your hand...ugh.

Thanks in advance :)




  1. I had a bird that wouldn't eat from my hand at all. He also appeared to be scared of it so I got what they call a "birdie kabob" and placed it in his cage for a  few days to get use to it and then I started adding small amounts of fruit, vegetables on it and he started testing them out, eventually he showed a lot of interestin grapes, so then I started eeliminatingthe grape on his kabob and handing it to him. He wouldn't take it for several weeks so I went back to the beginning and started over, eventially he started taking it from my hand. Hope this helps.  

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