
How do I get nail polish off of a bathroom countertop?

by  |  earlier

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I spilled some black nail polish on my bathroom counter. I tried soap and water yet it is still not working. How do I get it off?




  1. Nail Polish remover.

  2. Well, considering that you wouldn't use soap and water to get nail polish off your fingernails, that doesn't surprise me that it didn't work.

    Try nail polish remover. :)

  3. nail polish remover, or peel it off with a knife, or maybe the magic eraser will work

  4. nailpolish remover :)


  6. same way as you get it off your fingernails, nail polish remover.

  7. how do you remove nail polish  from your nails? daah nail polish remover it works I have used it and I am amzed how good it works

  8. I commend you for posting this in the correct category. A lot of guys would have placed it in "Singles & Dating."

    Before you use the nail polish remover, try it on an inconspicuous  part of the countertop to see that it doesn't eat the countertop.

    Then find a pistol and look for the person who told you that black nail polish was attractive. Just threaten him, don't do anything permanent. Since you are not going to follow the first part of my advice, I feel comfortable in giving you the second.

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