
How do I get on my teacher's good side?

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Last year she was my English & Library teacher. Now she's my homeroom, English, Religion, & Literature teacher. Last year it seemed like she didn't like me that much.

I don't remember doing anything mean or disrespectful to her. I'm a high-honor role student, involved in my school, and I don't get in trouble too often. So, I don't think she thinks of me as a bad student.

What should I do to get her to like me more?




  1. Use Geass on her!!! naw but seriously just talk to her more on your own time and get her small but meaningful gifts on holidays. This is my personal remedy and may not work for you but im just suggesting. Good luck!

  2. Well first off you did nothing wrong. Second all teachers have the good and bad days. She might have had an off day perhaps. So don't let that get you down over something what........ small. I am sure she had an off day. Try giving her an apple. I mean isn't that what they did in movies in school. LOL. Give her something to show that you care and that your a good student. This will show her that no matter what your there to help and you understand. I hope I helped.

  3. maybe try talking to her or staying after school with her? or maybe you are on her bad side possibly because of people you may be involved with? are you the only person who seems to have this problem?

  4. Just continue being the high-honor student that you are. Just don't put up with any arguements that she might give you later in the future. I dont' think she has any problems with you. It might be that she's stressed, and that there's too many students around that she might just glare at them out of no where. Just be nice and polite, but not too much that you'll be a kiss-@$$.

    If you want to, you can just talk to her, be nice and polite to her, greet her, and answer questions that she'll ask.

  5. You may be reading into something that does not exist./ Help your teacher however you can, do all of your assignments properly, neatly and on time. Volunteer in class by raising your hand and waiting to be called upon. Do not use improper language.

  6. It may be a little hard at this point, but I've found that one can generally get in a teacher's good graces by sitting in the front, asking lots of questions in class (you'd be surprised by how many people just don't do this) and being helpful. This is worth doing no matter where you are - high school, college, or supplementary education. I've gotten lots of favors from teachers in this way, and not the explicit sort.

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