
How do I get organised and take care of my toddler and have hobbies when I'm with her 24/7 ?

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My little girl is 17 months now and I'm still finding it hard to get motivated to do house work or even creative things. I don't seem to know how to work around her and fit everything in and still keep her happy. I don't seem to be able to mutli- task at the min an I feel a bit stressed an fed up. I want to enjoy my time with her and also show her that work has to be done. I would love to do creative things with her, such as painting, but I just don't get moving. I feel a bit out of control of my own life, how do I fix this?




  1. Children thrive when there is routine in their lives.  It sounds like you have never gotten into a routine with her.  Try doing it now while she is still young and it will make your life with her so much more enjoyable.  Feed her breakfast the same time everyday and then maybe a walk or the park.  When you get back from that try letting her play with some things by herself while you straighten up.  Lunch time then a nap and while she is napping do the other things in the home that need to be done.  When she gets up from her nap use that time to do something like painting with her.  But most of all try to set up some time for yourself.  Maybe arrange with a family member to babysit for a few hours on the weekend so you can rejuvenate.  

  2. Just to let you know.  I think this is the most difficult age for parenting.  I have a 4 and 11 year old and when I husband talks about having another one, this is the age I dread.  It was pretty impossible to do anything when my girls were that age.  They need constant supervision and love to get into things, yet they aren't quite old enough to get 'real' discipline yet.  Know that it will pass, they will get MUCH easier to take care of.  Just do what you need to do to get through this age.  When your daughter is awake and you are taking care of her by yourself, I would assume that no housework or very little will be done.  Housework can be done if she goes to spend some time with her grandparents for an hour or two or maybe during nap time.  Don't try to multi-task too much, it will just stress you out.

    Good luck, I've been in your situation and I understand how you feel.

  3. Do it with her. My mum always did that with me since I was old enough to pick things up. Make it a game to clean or tidy things up. It's easy to make toddlers help you because you make it into something fun for them really simply like "ok lets see how quickly you can tidy up all your toys, ready..go" It's brilliant!

  4. Always keep your daughter in the room with you, but teach her to entertain herself.  If you have laundry to fold, for example, sit on the floor, sit her next to you with a toy or two, and fold the laundry.  When you make supper, put her in her high chair with a crayon and paper and talk to her, but let her know it's ok if mom does her thing, and she does hers.  Make a list each day of the five most important things for you to do, and do it.  When your daughter sleeps, engage in a purely "you" activity--read a book, take a bath, paint your toenails, etc.  Definitely want to encourage you to get out of this slump for your happiness and hers.  Hope that helps.

  5. I have struggled with this problem too. Generally I find it better to take her to the park and feed the ducks, go on the train etc... to have some bonding time, then come home and start on the housework. That way she has some attention and I get things done that I need to. The other thing I have tried is to get her to help with things. For example, if I start cleaning I give her a cloth and spray a little onto a surface for her to polish. She loves it and I can get on and do what I need to do. Yesterday she loaded the washing machine up with laundry (she is 2 and a half now!) and put the liquid in and pressed the buttons I told her to. She was beaming and very pleased with herself. Hope this helps, as for the motivation I would say just get up and get on with it. Are you sure you're not depressed? Best of luck :)

  6. You need to arrange for a project and do it!  I know that lil kids are exhausting at times, but these years will be gone before you know it.  My baby is now a senior in high school....  It is hard to get motivated, make plans with another parent, that way you can not back out.  Finger painting is always a good outdoor activity.  What you do now, will mold your child in the future!

    P.S the house work will still be there...focus on your daughter!

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