
How do I get out of Jury Duty???

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Here's the dealio. I got my jury summons and went ahead and applied. They want me to do this from September through November.

Problem is; I plan on starting school again here in 2 weeks. And jury duty will ruin that goal for me- it's something I've been waiting a long time to do. Also my sister is getting married in October.

If there is a way to get out of it, please let me know in as much detail as possible because I am a super dork.





  1. there are a million excuses online!

  2. You can write a letter stating your situation, it may not help but, it's worth a try. Offer to do it at a later date this may get you off for a while any way. good luck.

  3. You can't quite get out of jury duty. Look, you'll have to do it one day.

    Even Brad Pitt has to do jury duty, in fact, he's serving in court today haha : )

  4. They aren't going to care about your sister getting married.  Call them and ask them if you can postpone it as you are starting school. Give them the date and where you are going to school.  Give them a possible time when you could go.  

    My friend got an extension once because she got her notice and we were going on vacation for two weeks during that time.   They postponed it for 6 months with no problem.

  5. It's simple all you have to do is say that you are biased in some way. Easy Peasy.

  6. you can't, unless you have a child that doesn't have anyone but you to take care of them

  7. Tell them your very favorite TV shows are Law and Order, CSI and Murder She Wrote and that you'd LOVE to be involved solving a REAL mystery.

  8. You want to make a County Judge and God laugh?

    Tell them both all your plans.

  9. If you tell them what you told us, you'll probably be let out, although you may get called again in the future. No need to cheat the system, just be prepared to do your civic duty at a time when it is more convenient for you.

  10. Call them and explain in detail.  Sometimes if the excuse is good they will allow you to get off this time.

  11. become a pregnet woman! they always get off dury duety! or, commit a minor crime and half to do time so they won't want you. or, just get kicked off by being an a ss or something.

  12. You can get excused for hardship reasons. Especially if it is for a lengthy trail. Just tell the clerk, or attorneys, or judge your circumstance. Most likely you will be excused. And don't even think about saying your biased etc. That is not a reason to be rejected. I have been summoned for jury duty 4 times. Those days of saying you hate this type of people or that race does not work anymore. Good luck.

  13. I would go to the courthouse and show them a copy of your class schedule and tell them that you will not be able to make. I know you can get in a lot of trouble if you don't go, without being dismissed by them first.

  14. When they start asking questions about being biased in a certain way, indicate that you have a bias.  Do not get too radical, or they will know that you are just trying to get out of it, but indicate with certainty that you would not be able to be objective about the case matter.  That should get you off unless you have lawyers who consider you the least of several evils.  Also, if you are getting any kind of treatment for any medical condition, you may be able to use that.

  15. i dont think there is a way out of it really sorry  like they dont even care if u have a job they still make u go !

  16. Tell them the truth why it is inconvenient for you to serve on the dates you were called for. If they don't accept your explanations, comply with the jury duty summons and serve your time. It is your civic, moral and legal obligation to do so.

  17. If you believe that you need to focus on school rather than sit in a jury ask them to defer your jury duty to a time when you will not be busy with school work.

  18. If you fail to get a dismissal or a deferral, check with your profs to see if they will work with you to help you keep up with school. I served on two juries while in school (each was 2 days) and the profs were sympathetic.

  19. All I can say is I was summoned twice for Petite Grand Jury and both times I wrote "exotic dancer" as my occupation, and both times I wasn't selected.  I had the same problem as you...3 months of possibly missing school, and the thing that bugged me even more was all the seniors who were there who wanted to do it because they were interested and retired...why not just let them do it?

  20. show up on first day with a rosary and just keep on praying and rocking back and forth, just freak out the other jurors, just try not to laugh

  21. Go into court. Sit in the court room. IF you are called as a possible juror, take your place in the jury box. The DA (District Attorney) and defense lawyer will both ask you questions. When appropriate, simply say, "If the cops arrested him, he must be guilty."

    You will be dismissed.

  22. fake your own death. then it can be like a mystery novel. only real!

  23. I just served as a federal juror in february. I too had the 2 month "on call thing" The first time we had to phone in to see if I had to show up, my name wasnt called. The next time it was. I went in along with about 100 other people, I was picked to serve, it ended up being a 2 day case from start to finish. I had a great experience and actually enjoyed the time spent there. I thought it would really blow, but it was not bad at all, not to mention, I got paid for it!

    You can get out of it if you really want to, but as an American, you should do your civic duty and show up if you need to. odds are you wont be picked, but if you are picked it is an honor to be.

  24. what does your sisters wedding have to do with your jury duty.

    if you do not want to get on a case, during jury selection, admit that you might be biased. you will be challenged and dismissed.

  25. You should have been provided a list of valid excuses.  If not call and ask.  A co-worker told me he was once let out of jury duty by showing up (he's white) and asked where does all the white people sit.  Don't do anything too outrageous to have you placed in jail.  I would try honesty, but leave out the wedding.

  26. I was selected for Jury duty last year.  It got me out of work, so I really didn't mind.  But there was one young man that claimed that he had family in law inforcement and that it would influence any and all decisions he made about the case.  He told the judge that because his family member was in law inforcement and had been sharing stories about the courtroom and how lawyers twist the truth to fit their needs, he would definatly be inclined to believe the law enforcement officer in every aspect.  He was basically telling the judge that no matter what happened in the court room that he was going to find this person 'guilty' because of his belief that law enforcement officers always tell the truth.  

    He was excused from the panel of possible jurors right then and there!

    It worked like a champ for him!


  27. you have to act like your real prejudice  towards blacks,hispanics ,and if your black towards whites,

  28. Sleep with the judge.


  29. Move to Brazil for the rest of your life.

  30. Tell them you are biased.

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