
How do I get out of my cell phone contact?

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I Have been with Sprint/Nextel for almost 4 years. Recently they have been "cramming" my bill, meaning they have been charging me for games I never ordered, removing certian options I am supposed to have to save money. For example, I am supposed to have the "fair & flexable plan" meaning that everu 100 minutes I go over is only supposed to cost $5. Well every month they have been charging me $.45 a minute over. Then I have to call and sit on the phone with them for an hour to correct it. Not to mention I am always dropping calls. My service is always going in and out and my phone turns off on its own. I want out of my contract. I filed a complaint with the FCC but they havent responed. How else can I get out of my contract with out being charged the fees?




  1. Call Sprint customer service. If the person you're talking to can't help you, ask to talk to their supervisor. If their supervisor can't help you, ask to talk to someone higher. Be polite, but be adamant about it. You might be able to get out of your plan that way.

  2. I know of no way you can do that.  I think it is awful that some cell phone companies hold you prisoner with their contracts.  I have used Verizon for 8+ years and never had that problem.

  3. You don't.  Thats why it's a contract.  I left Sprint too, and I simply owed them the cancellation fee ($200).  No way around it.

  4. if you want out of your contract you have to pay for it.... I think like $150.00 unless they changed it.........

  5. As long as you havent signed a new two year contract, for example if you got a new phone recently and signed a new two year plan to get the better deal, you should be able to cancel without any fees. however, if you did sign a new contract you are out of luck. you can either pay about 200 to get out of it, or keep calling to get your money back. Sorry.

  6. never pay it and go to a different service

    take them to court

  7. I had the SAME problem with Sprint. They are seriously the WORST I have ever had. If you dont care about your credit, just dont pay it. I've seen people do that before. Otherwise, there are plans out there (I have a t-mobile affiliate) that lets you switch from your current plan to theirs with no additional cost. You should look into that!

  8. You will have to pay it or wait it out.

    I was with Sprint for about 7 years. At one point I added a phone to my plan for my husband. We live in New York and they added his plan as being in Maryland. I didn't notice that I was paying taxes in Maryland for a long time and when I did figure it out they would not reimburse me (they said I put his address as a dorm in Maryland). So I had to wait almost a year and a half to end my contract. I am with Verizon now and am petty happy.

  9. I have a Sprint Contract. To avoid all of these fake charges, call their IT dept. and ask them to block you from receiving anymore text messages. If they're not part of your contract, they can charge you whatever they want for them. I recently had to pay $10 for one text message I sent my sister because it wasn't part of my plan. *sigh*

    Find out what day your contract expires and write it on your calendar and/or program it to your reminders and make sure you stop by your closest store and close it.

    Good luck!

  10. I'm sorry to say, you can not breach contract from your end.  If you read the contract, only Sprint can terminate it prematurely.

    My advice is to call Sprint, and ask them to read out your plan, all the details, and all your features.  Write them all down, and repeat them to verify it with the Customer service person.  You may want to go as far as recording the conversation.

    Finally, you shouldn't be under contract after two years.  Do not accept any discounts, or offers from Sprint, as they are usually ways to extend your contract.  As for your phone, you can buy a Sprint comparable replacement on E-Bay without having to extend your contract.

    To Emily:  You should of told them to list him from Delaware instead.  Then you're pretty much Tax free.

  11. Call and talk to the managers boss!  Don't let them tell you they are the boss, EVERYONE HAS A BOSS higher than them unless they are the owner!

  12. you can get out of it but it will probably cost you between $200 and $300 (that is to get out early, check your anniversary date)

  13. You can get out of it if they consistently can't provide you with service, but there are lots of other ways, too.  Check out this link:

  14. they terminated that plan last year and the people who had it get those charges and for the people who didn thave that specific plan get charged .55 i would change your minutes to something higher or even the free incoming plan thats what i have and i don't go over any minutes cant get out of paying you should of read the user agrement it says right in your plan for 1 or 2 years that you are subject to any charges ...also if your droppin charges you should call and tell them your problem they will and mostly will reinburse you for the time not used  and for your phone shutting off you could of got a new one just by calling them for any problems  see perfect axample nobody calls the provider and get stuck paying because you falled to complain  they do listen if you talk to them thats happened to me and i got credited my bill and a free phone and didnt even have to pay shipping

  15. let the contract end and pay everything off other wise they will inform your next company and you will have to pay the bill for that as well

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