
How do I get out of paying a train fine??

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I need to write a letter to the rail system saying why I think i've been "wrongly fined" so they let me off without paying.

Any good excuses?




  1. you dont need excuses, you need to tell the truth.

    if you were "wrongly fined" (although i  find that pretty hard to believe, either you had paid for a ticket or you didnt), then you write the truth, tell the situation, and in general explain how/why you were wrongly fined.

    but my guess is that since you are looking for excuses, you probably were trying to scam a free ride.  in which case, you get what you deserve.  pay the fine, and in the future, buy a ticket before or on the train, but dont expect to ride for free.

    do you think you get to ride the airplane for free?  do you get to drive your car around without paying for the gas?  why is riding the train any different, why are you expecting that the train should be "free" to you while the rest of us are paying higher fares due to you and your ilk trying to scam the system?

  2. I suppose this is in Europe ?? Because a fine in the USA results in a ticket and court...

    I agree with Skidderback... In fact, here in California, the ONLY means of avoiding a fine for failure-to-pay is to have notified the rail-system PRIOR to boarding the train that their payment-kiosk is malfunctioning.

  3. I tried saying  I was deceased to get out of a traffic fine but they didnt believe me, so I wouldnt try that one.

  4. Wrongly fined ???   Don't be silly.   You got caught, that is all there is to the matter to hand.

    Pay whatever price has been asked of you.  

    And no more seeking to get out of sticky messes of your own doing.

  5. No excuses.  Just some advice...

    Did you do it?  If so, take the rap.  It is what is deserved.

    If not, appeal it.

    A bitter medicine, but you'll be a better person for it...  hopefully.

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