
How do I get out of paying out-of-state speeding ticket?

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I got a ticket for driving 86 in a 65mph zone in NY. I live in CT.I plead not guilty, got court date,now what?




  1. You go to court.  What did you think happened.  Anyway, it's not like CT and NY are on opposite sides of the country - I just got back to NY from Boston and that was only like several hours (or a couple of hours and a nother ticket for speeders).  

    If you don't appear on your court date, a warrant could be issued for your arrest, but tha's not likely since this isn't a criminal case.  However, you will get a suspension disallowing you from driving in NY and CT may suspend your license as well, and driving w/your license to drive suspended IS a crime.  

    You should understand whatit means to have your license suspended.  You're probably thinking that you don't have a license in NY - wrong!!  A license to drive has a broader definition than simply having one of those easy-to-fake laminated cards.  It really means that a state has given you the permission to drive on its roads.  Even if you've never taken a road test in that state, you do have the privilege of applying for one - unless that "license" has been either suspended or revoked because (among other things) you failed to appear and answer for a ticket.  So even though you never applied for a license to drive in NYS, that state has otherwise granted you its permission to use their roads, and will likely suspend that if you don't appear.

  2. This is not an easy task, as the officer will almost always be given more credibility in court.

    Most will agree your best bet is to speak to the prosecutor, and see if he will offer you reduced points/fine, or a diversion program such as traffic school. If you go to trial and lose, you will probably not be offered a break.

  3. Pay a traffic court lawyer to take care of it and appear on your behalf.

  4. If they find you guilty and make you take a driving school check out It was unbelievable how fast I got it knocked out and it was ALL ONLINE!! Good luck with court!!  

  5. The only way you have a hope of getting out of paying the ticket is to show up in court and hope that somehow the judge loses all common sense and dismisses the charges.

    You got caught speeding.  Pay the fine.

    Remember: An adult accepts responsibility for his actions.

  6. Take a bus.

  7. You either, A) Pay the ticket, or B) go to court. You're not going to just get handed a get out of jail free card for this one. You were going 21 miles per hour over the speed limit... I don't think a radar messes up that much. You felt you were not guilty for this so go defend yourself.  And paying a traffic court lawyer would be pointless... I'm sure it would be cheaper just to pay the ticket.

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