
How do I get over a celebrity crush?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, this sounds stupid, but how do I get over a celebrity crush? He's an actor and I started watching one of his movies a lot over the summer and now I have a huge crush, and I'm tired of it. How do I get over it?

Also I'm not saying who it is.




  1. go google him and find something out about him that you dont like. like he has an std or he did crack. i cant help you out on the specifics because i dont know who it is.

  2. im still trying to figure

  3. well if you still like him and whatever, its fine.  I dont like when people leave answers like its not gonna happen anyway so you need to get over it.  I may being to hopeful but I do believe that if you like someone enough and want them bad enough no matter who it is you can get them.  But if you want to get over them just find someone who you know and see if you develop a little crush on them and it will go away maybe

  4. It'll pass as you go along with your life. You'll realize how pointless your obsession really is, and you'll smack yourself in the head and actually start noticing that cute guy who sits in front of you in class. Ask him out or whatever and actually obsess

  5. Try meeting him.

    If you do you'll get over it because you'll meet him and it'll be nothing special....and if you can't find anyway to meet him and it's impossible then you'll realize "wow, he's not worth the chase."

    Stop reading stuff about him.

    Stop watching his movies.

    Take down all of his posters.

    Realize you have no chance in h**l....and go out and meet REAL guys that you can actualy date!!!!

  6. just see his pics and enjoy nothing can be done  

  7. Realize it will never happen and get over it.

  8. if your tired of it, move on!  

  9. I'm going to keep mine, the lovely actor Charles Mesure!

    If you follow some of the advice here and get rid of the stuff about your crush, keep one small thing back. This might be a button with his picture on it, an action figure, or even the movie in its box -- just any little thing that reminds you of him and that you can use as a Christmas tree ornament (if you decorate one). Every year, hang it on the tree then pack it away afterwards with the other ornaments. As the years go by, you will learn something good  about yourself.

  10. You'll get over it, trust me. I thought I would never get over Leonardo DiCaprio and I sure did.  lol.I look back on it and realize how idiotic it was.

    It's nice to appreciate their acting/talent and all that, but at the end of the day, they get the big bucks and don't care about you. Unless maybe you pay for them to autograph a photo or buy a ticket to their next movie.

    Crush on a "real" person, it is better. :-)

  11. Take a huge dose of reality.

  12. try finding someone real.i mean, find a crush whom you konw personallly.why do you have to get over him to begin with?

  13. I am having similar feelings about a certain ‘08 block buster movie actor. I wonder if we’re talking about the same one. Hmmmmm… anyway,  as much as I enjoy(ed) his work it’s been long enough, it’s time to move on. Unfortunately there are no crush worthy guys in my area and no other celebs that I find as fascinating as him. I know that this too shall pass and in the mean time I am trying to find other interest. It’s just strange how lately liking him has become such annoyance, so I just wanted to let you know that I feel your “pain”.  

  14. Well if you really want to get rid of it... Start getting interested in other people.  But I wouldn't want to get rid of a celebrity crush.  

  15. to even be interested in what any celebrity  does, says, looks like etc. is very childish.  

  16. Like any other crush...get out and meet new people.

  17. get a date

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