
How do I get over a pisces?

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Three years ago I had a fling with a pisces male. We had a short relationship, it was all least thats what I thought at the time. He was going through a rough time. His marriage was falling apart and I helped him through it and gave him advice, so it just escalated from there. But, I know him personally..he has been one of my best friends for about 8 years now. We used to do the same kind of work. Until I flew off solo. But, we still see each other regulary and are the best of friends. Since I am a cancer, I get along with him very well. And, it all of the sudden hit me tonight......I was thinking about him and what we had...and it was beyond just anything phsycial it was the real deal...and the last time we spent together, we were doing a project for work...and we just couldn't take our eyes off each other. I felt something for him, and from the looks on his face, I can tell he felt something too. But, I've been dating a virgo for a year now...but I want to let go of the




  1. break up with your virgo and hook up with pisces. It sounds like you are meant to be with that pisces.

  2. let go of the pieces... dig.  yeah.. you should do that.

  3. Perhaps you should contact him by e-mail or something like that you wouldn't have to face him directly.

  4. uhm..if the pisces guy and his wife dont ahve kids yet..ask him to divorce his wife..broke up with the virgo guy..and go on together..its a great match...

  5. you can not  they swim

    alone,,you will be lucky

    to catch  upon it,

    but  what for *

      you have your choice *

    throw it  back,,in too the sea *

    unless you plan to mount him *

      yes  its  a blue  fish *

    king of the sea *

    peace *

  6. hey miss kitty,

    i can understand the emotional intensity of feelings that can go between a piscean and a cancer, because i am a cancer and i too had trouble getting over one aswell =). with piscean/cancer, each sign only truely feels comfortable with one another and feels finally someone that understands me on a deeper level. The cancer is one sign that does not make piscies conform, and piscies hates to conform but cancer truely understands. The cancer protects pisceies and the piscean sticks up for the emotion genius within cancer.

    Understand that pisceans can be difficult and unreasonable too. I'm not sure how i got over my piscies, but i know he is not over me yet, i think i just realised i must move on, it was hurting me to be stuck there. And while piscean offers emotional support sometimes they are as emotionally confused as us and that a more stable earth sign, like virgo or taurus can provide stabiliy and secureity for us cancers. Often the earth difference compliments the water signs. I really feel for you and im sorry, i know it is very hard to get over the connection you had. But if you can't let go then u leave no room for a connection with someone else. good luck to you! i hope it all works out :)

  7. I know what you mean. There is a real connection between Pisces Females and Cancer Males, which is very difficult to break.

    I really like this cancer guy too, and i don't want to but i just can't help it. You see he is a friend of mine and i don't want to wreck our current relationship. But thats enough of me..

    The only thing i can think of is if you pair ditch your partners and date each other. Or you just put distance in your relationship just a little and hope your feelings don't escalate.

    If you find another solution please let me know!

    Good luck! xoxo

  8. Tell him if he is not in a relationship

    go on tell him

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