
How do I get over fear of Horror Movies?

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I've always been scared of horror movies and i've never liked being scared, can anyone give me any USEFUL and HELPFUL pieces of advice! Please help me I really want to get over my fear of horror movies!




  1. Try watching them during the day, in a well lit room with the curtains drawn back from the windows.  There's a reason they don't make horror movies set during the daytime;  it's because they wouldn't be scary if they were!  By watching a scary movie while the sun is out and shining, preferably with some friends or family, you'll find yourself laughing and making fun of things that might have seemed scary before.  Start off slow with movies that are corny;  for example, if you're afraid of clowns, don't watch Stephen King's "It", but instead watch one of the many terrible "I Know What You Did Last Summer" sequels.  If you find this works for you, after a few movies try watching one at nighttime with the lights or a lamp on.  You'll still be scared, but not as badly.  Again, watching movies with a bunch of friends you can scream and laugh with, preferably with a bunch of junk food, will really take the edge off it, and you should enjoy yourself more.  (Do NOT watch them with people who are likely to try to scare you to tease you!)

  2. the thing is people tend to get afraid  of the unknown. surely if an ordinary person is filled with mucous, separate eyes, unhinging mouths, disproportional body, and blood spewing all over him, would you be afraid? then again if we live in a society that we see people like this each day, would you be afraid? i think you would be afraid of your normal self if you are one of them seeing that you are not what the society calls for "normal". in getting over fear one must know the meaning of this fear. like the horror movies for your example. you fear ghosts, beings and guys who wear masks that hurt people. surely you fear them because you don't get to know them or something in the line but the point is getting to know oneself and the true nature of the thing being feared at is the first thing one must do in order to combat the darkness that lurks within. try thinking that it is only a fictional idea created by egomaniac producers and marketeing peeps to create revenue so that they can be famous and all. try to remember that it is only entertainment, people sometimes get entertained by fright and that's why the horror themes still survive the 21st century. try thinking that and try learning physics, science and religion. there are more things to be afraid of than ghosts. remember that. ^_^ .v,, hope it helps!

  3. agreed with ariel ^_^, just dont watch em, and while watching them, be indifferent, or do something while watching. so you wont have nightmares :D.

  4. i was just thinking about this last night! My sisters and my ffs and i started watching horror movies by having a movie night. we watched things like pulse and the ring. then we just watched so many horror movies after that. weve seen about 60 or 70.  but i really was scared! i loved them but watching them was torture. so i know how you feel. but heres the thing, detach yourself from the movie. i never knew how to do that because im one of those ppl who always puts myself in the movie. but anyway so one day my sisters and i decided to watch the ring and the ring 2 again. so what i ded because i was interested and i loved moviies was i looked up samara the actress (horror movie girl) and found out she was the voice in lilo and stitch, and also in spirited away which was one of my favorite movies. i looked up her in other movies, saw what she wa really like and basically i learned about the real her. so when i watched it, it wasnt as scary becaus i new i mean Reallllly new it wasnt as real. of course you'll always get sketched out, but it wont be as bad. from then on movies just werent as bad. i hope you can learn to enjoy horor movies and comment on them like i do. i really hope this helps.

    maybe you  could try watching the ring after looking her up like i did.


  5. I'm kind of the same. Just don't watch them! It's not that hard! I haven't watched a horror movie in years and I don't miss them. The're usually bad anyway.  

  6. when i was scared i force myself to watch the scariest movie i knew at night my room...petrified XD.but as i kept watching it i become more tolerant wit horror movies and now i just smile and enjoy myself.

    like the say "when you go through the worse-case-scenrio the little things dont even matter to you anymore"

  7. i would use successive approximation.  gradually, work yourself towards watching these movies alone.  first thing is, watch with a large group of people, then gradually make the group smaller.  eventually, you should learn to be able to handle these movies.  this does not work for everyone though, so be aware of this.  

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