I was married to an individual that I am still in love with. We divorced after dating for four years and being married for another four when she told me that she was not in love with me, had never been in love with me and just wanted a relationship where she felt something inside. This was three years ago and I am still so sad and heartbroken over the loss of this person from my life. When this happened many mutual friends asked if I thought she was having a relationship with her male assistant at her place of work. She is now in a relationship with this person so this would seem like a real possibility, even though she told me that no one else was involved. I so wanted to at least salvage the friendship but I have not spoken to her in over a year. I've blocked her emails, changed my phone number and have really tried to "just get over it", to get over her, but at some point every day I find myself thinking about and missing her, and the sadness at times overwhelms me.
I know she's gone. I know she is now happy with a person she cares about and in a strange way, I can find feelings of happiness for her and her life but I am so shattered and afraid I will not open myself up to love and trusting in someone again.
I would love to hear from anyone that can identify with my situation and has some words of advice to share.