
How do I get over him now that it has finally hit me?

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I broke up with my long-term serious boyfriend a little over a week ago and was surprised at how well I was handling it. I was sitting there, everyday, wondering why I wasn't crying myself to sleep. Then it hit me this weekend and now it sucks beyond the telling of it. I dumped him and told him I still wanted him in my life a week into the break up, but not like it was, maybe just dating and hanging out. I haven't heard from him since and now I feel like absolute pooh. Now, it has dawned on me I may not ever get to spend time with him again and I don't want him out of my life completely (selfish I know). I know I will get over it, I keep telling myself that, but I had forgotten what a broken heart felt like since the last time so many years ago. I just need some encouragement like, "if its meant to be it will be" "you will get past this" etc. etc. etc. Thanks everyone, I know we have all gone through this at some time or another.




  1. Hi I was just having my coffee when I read your question. As a woman I can relate, I am going through a similar situation but 1st you cannot get over someone completely until you are ready, we as woman react and function on a different set of principals, with are HEART and with are EMOTIONS... they govern who we are. Since I am not sure why you broke up with him and how long you have been together I cannot really comment on that but if you "dumped" him and have not heard from him he might need some time to process this as well, all I can say is that personally I recently ended it with someone that I was in a and long-term relationship with (very long) and although my heart really hurts right now I feel that I made the right decision based on the circumstances, change is never easy but change for the right reasons always works out for the best... I also felt the pain of a broken heart once before and its not a nice feeling but as they say "this too shall pass" initially it always hurts more but in time it gets easier but also let me say if it is meant for you two to be apart then its quite possible that an ongoing platonic relationship (friendship) might not be possible but on the other hand Love is a very powerful force and maybe fate still sees you two together again... only you know how you feel, only you can make the right decisions for you so be strong, and stay positive, and always uphold your standards as a woman.

  2. My all time favorite  *this too shall pass* it is very very true. things will ease with time. There's a silver lining behind every dark cloud.

  3. The worst thing that you can live with is the feeling of wondering WHAT COULD IT BE?.

    If you really want him in your life call him. He is as hurt as you, he may not be showing cause he is hurt that you called it quits, but when he gets your call he will feel like doing backflips.

  4. i know exactly how you feel it sucks...  

  5. "Let something go and if it comes back then thats how you know"  Everything will work out in the end.  It sucks now...but just remember that this is the worst of it.  You are single...go out and enjoy it.  

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