
How do I get over him or get him back?

by Guest64767  |  earlier

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So I was going out with this guy for almost a year. He started being weird and said he needed space so we broke up. We would still talk once in awhile when he would call and hung out when he would want to. When we were together things would seem great. The past two times I couldn't and it killed me that the few times he actually wanted to I couldn't. I apologized and said I would love to be with him that night and he then sent me a text saying from now on we are just friends. I love him with all my heart. I wish I didn't love him, I wish I could hate him, but all I do is miss him and want him to want me. After the text I tried calling and he wouldn't answer. I tried texting him saying I would go to his house and what not and he just ignored all my calls. I felt pretty pathetic and probably seemed like it, but I just love him so much. I am sick of crying. I try to listen to music to help, but it doesn't. Everything makes me think of him. I can't stop thinking about him. Should I try to fix things or just try to not talk to him? It sucks loving someone when they don't really show it and I know I should find someone else but I don't want anyone else and I hate how so many guys would just dump me since I am not into all the sexual stuff. What do I do? Please help!




  1. hmm it definately sounds like he was trying to make you a friend "with benefits".  Booty benefits that is.  yeah i say try to ease yourself off of him altogether.  It's obvious he wanted nothing more than a friendship and maybe some occasional casual s*x.  Remember if it was meant to be it will be.  But ultimately the one that is out there for you should want you just as bad as you want them!  It sucks to be with someone who isn't as interested.  And while your wasting time thinking of this loser, there could be a really great guy right under your nose...or on his way...keep your head and your standards high.  DON'T SETTLE!!!

  2. Leave the guy alone and find something else to occupy your time.  Join a fitness class at the gym and ask your friends to distract you for a week or so.  Find ways to keep yourself busy.  My number one suggestion is do something brave and bold.  If you can afford it and take the time off, go on a trip somewhere.  Find a place you haven't been and take time to be with yourself and see the sights.  Whenever I travel I come back changed.  It also gives you time to think.

  3. o wow, I'm sorry

    but I'm trying to get over a guy to and i like him so much i find it impossible to not think about him. but the best i can say is try and forget about him. you should have a G.N.O and go to the mall and check out other guys, or the park where guys are, go somewhere were there a lot of guys and start fishing. he is a jerk, you should go for jerks, there to good for us. do you another guy friends that are cute?

    maybe start hanging around him and flirting to make the other guy jealous, or maybe there is a connection with another guy friend.

    hope i helped!

    good luck hun :)  

  4. Guys suck!  I was in a similar situation, in June my bf of over 3 years broke up with me bc he wasn't sure what he wanted.  It was hard for me but I thought if something is meant to be it will happen.  I let myself cry and I went out and had fun.  Well we recently started talking and he said he misses me and wants to try talking so I agreed because I do still care for him.  Just give him space and if its meant to be it will happen and if he comes back take it slow and make him show you that he cares about you.  But right now cry but go out and have fun!  It will get better!

  5. As intense as your feelings are for this guy, you can't make him love you. It sounds like he found someone who will do what you won't sexually and now just wants to be friends - which is a nice way of letting you down. As much as it hurts, you need to move on. Don't feel badly about keeping your body to yourself, be proud and you WILL find plenty of nice guys who will respect you for it, I know it seems impossible but really just the opposite. For a lot of guys, the chase and conquer is the most important part of the relationship, once they get what they want they lose interest - and worse talk about you to everyone they can about what you did. So stick to your guns and go hang out with your friends, get busy and don't be sitting around feeling bad.  

  6. In kinda the same position's realllllllllllllllly hard but just don't get back with him ever, find another guy you won't want to but make yourself, it gets easier over time and one day you'll realise you haven't thought about him in a couple of days and that you're moving's a great feeling:)cause you know you're free!!seriously if a fella has a problem that you're not into the sexual stuff forget him,if someone's gonna dump you cause of that that's all they wanted anyways and why would you wanna waste yourself on some *** like that?

    Good luck lovely:)

  7. Honey it is over.

    You are going to have to hurt ,heal and move on.Next I am glad you aren't a "ho".

    There are few guys looking for a decent girl like you.Pray and ask the LORD for one of them and get into church,ask the LORD to help you get over this guy.Sounds like he either wasn't too interested in you in the first place or he just wanted s*x.I guarantee if you left him a phone message saying you wanted to have hot s*x he would be at your front door before you hung up.

    THAT is why he dumped you.Also,if you HAD,had s*x with him, he would have dumped you,at least THIS way you didn't get used for s*x.

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