
How do I get over losing a relationship with a family I used to be very close to?

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I'm 19 & have been babysitting for this family for a year. I babysat the little girl every weekend for at least 6 hours & we were very close. I was also very close with the mom, who confided a lot in me & vice versa. We used to go to lunch, go to the park with her little girl, & just hang out & talk. When I babysat I often hung out with the parents afterwards, or if I babysat overnight they had me spend a lazy morning with them.

Over the past year I have grown to really love this family, but 2 months ago they suddenly stopped getting me to babysit. A month ago I asked what happened & the mom said they needed separation between their personal life & their daughter's daycare life (I work at her daycare, but not with her group). I asked if I did something wrong & she reassured me I didn't, but didn't elaborate on their decision.

I miss them & can't move on because I don't know what happened. I've hinted that I would like to know more, but haven't directly asked.

How do I move on?




  1. I believe that "Beyond Mordant" got it.  It sounds like the mother figures that the father was taking to much interest in the young Babysitter.  Again, not your fault if you did nothing wrong.  Could have been the clothing that you were wearing, could have been a lot of things.  The important thing is, this will happen in life.  You will even lose close friends over small matters.  People move away.  You need to not let things like this matter.  In life you need to be strong.  Later if you catch the mother by herself ask her straight out what happened between you and them, but always stay CIVIL in your conversations.  But don't dwell on it now!  GOOD LUCK.

  2. This often happens when the father expresses too much interest in the young babysitter(through no fault of her own) . Give it up and get on with your life. In this life you will lose many relationships, and build many more ...this is just one and it is one best let alone.

  3. Perhaps it's a personal marital issue andif they aren't showing much care you should totally do the same. Sometimes if you leave it alone and just move on instead of exhagerating the situation, in the long run the person will personally approach you and you may discuss what happend and everything may go back to how it once was. However, do not linger on the hopes of this family welcoming you in. Seperation is inevitable. If the pain is unbearing talk about it to people you can trust and perhaps try babysitting fro different households and/or find different hobbies.

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