I've been down and upset since summer. Before summer (the whole beginning of the year), I was feeling really good about myself. I lost weight, made really good grades at school, my boyfriend and I have gotten really close, and I was just generally in a good mood.
I think the turnaround happened when I got a job during the summer, it wasn't my dream job (I'm still in college), I was doing it for the money, but I still wanted it to last awhile. I lasted three months there, I quit but it was for legitimate reasons. I won't go too much into it, but I was basically miserable since the first day. Even though a lot of what happened while I was working wasn't my fault, I still feel like a failure for quitting, I'm not really sure why. They were jerks.
For some reason, I just haven't felt like myself, I feel out of place everywhere I go. Whenever I go out, I wish I was home the whole time. School just started back up and I already feel like it's over my head. I don't want to go to school, and I used to really like school. I haven't really been with any of my friends in a month.
My boyfriend is so sweet, he tries to cheer me up but I think he feels like he doesn't know what else to do. It isn't really his responsibility to make me happy anyways, I feel like I haven't been fair to him.
My family seems to be falling apart, also. I can't sleep at night. I have no appetite, I force myself to eat.
Any advice from someone who's been here before?