
How do I get over my depression?

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I've been down and upset since summer. Before summer (the whole beginning of the year), I was feeling really good about myself. I lost weight, made really good grades at school, my boyfriend and I have gotten really close, and I was just generally in a good mood.

I think the turnaround happened when I got a job during the summer, it wasn't my dream job (I'm still in college), I was doing it for the money, but I still wanted it to last awhile. I lasted three months there, I quit but it was for legitimate reasons. I won't go too much into it, but I was basically miserable since the first day. Even though a lot of what happened while I was working wasn't my fault, I still feel like a failure for quitting, I'm not really sure why. They were jerks.

For some reason, I just haven't felt like myself, I feel out of place everywhere I go. Whenever I go out, I wish I was home the whole time. School just started back up and I already feel like it's over my head. I don't want to go to school, and I used to really like school. I haven't really been with any of my friends in a month.

My boyfriend is so sweet, he tries to cheer me up but I think he feels like he doesn't know what else to do. It isn't really his responsibility to make me happy anyways, I feel like I haven't been fair to him.

My family seems to be falling apart, also. I can't sleep at night. I have no appetite, I force myself to eat.

Any advice from someone who's been here before?




  1. Don't be too hard on yourself. We're human and go thru all different kinds of feelings. It wouldn't be normal for you to be happy  all the time. We have moods and changes happening all the time. Take each day as it comes and try to find  the positive in them.And think about all your blessings, you sound very intelligent. And if you still have trouble sleeping try some home remedies.

  2. My answer is a list, simply follow these rules and you probably will get somewhere.

    - Accept your boyfriends cheers, know that even if they don't really do anything as is, think about why he does them. Just like you said, it isn't his job, but he is a very thoughtful and kind person to do it anyway.

    - It is certainly not your fault if you quit your job out of jerkiness. Now remember that you were a succeeder at first getting that job. If people don't like their jobs, they will usually quit within days of finding their inner feelings. To last three months is a true accomplishment. Between you and me, they didn't deserve you. :)

    - About school, definitely turn to your friends with help. Tell them what is going on with your life and I'm sure they'll be willing to help. School will be a heck of a lot easier with friends.

    - Lastly, be optimistic. If I was you, here would be some of my thoughts.


    - Too bad my job didn't turn out so well, but hey I tried and plus by quitting this job, the door opens back up for the road to my dream job.

    - My boyfriends cheers aren't exactly the best, but it takes a true lover to say the things that he is saying.

    - I may haven't seen my friends in a while, but hey, with the school year up this is a great opportunity to reconnect.

    - I may have no appetite, but food is one of my favorite things!

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