
How do I get over my fear of making phone calls for my network marketing?

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How do I get over my fear of making phone calls for my network marketing?




  1. The first thing you need to make sure of is this:  do you have a product or service that you TRULY feel will be of benefit to the people that you are calling?  I have been involved in network marketing most of my working days and having a great thing to market will make the difference.  If you are sure you have that, then the only thing that makes phone calls easier would be practice, practice, practice. Try it out on close friends/family members and they will help make sure you sound confident, educated and proud about what you have to offer.  Best of luck!

  2. The best way to get over your fear is to have people contact you begging you to contact them and share with them what you have.

    Wouldn't you have an easier time if that happened?  I have people contacting me all the time begging to know what I have and how they can get it.

    People in MLM are always told to chase people down.  Forget that.  Get people to chase you down.

  3. Ask yourself:  What is the worst that can happen?


    People are going to hang up on you or yell at you but cannot harm you in anyother way.

    SO:  Let it go.

    No one will come thru the phone and hurt you.

    Good Luck  

  4. OH I totally know what you are talking about.  For me, it was easier because my marketing is very targeted and if it wasn't I would be in big trouble.

    Just write out your opening lines in word & have it up when you start calling, then below have all your points on your deal..

    then give yourself at least two different close lines..

    Good luck!

  5. don't need to make phone calls.

  6. Fear is a natural response to something new, or something that you're not confident in doing.  It also tells me that ... you care!  If you didn't care, you wouldn't be afraid.

    My suggestion would be to sell YOU, not your opportunity.  Become an expert at recruiting people to follow YOU, regardless of what company you're working with.  

    Let's say you're with Company A, and they have 25 products, and a Forced Matrix comp plan.  There is a lot of information to learn about the company, it's history, founders, financial status, etc.  Then you have to learn about the 25 products, how they work, how much to take, will any known problems, etc.  Then you have to learn how to explain the comp plan to a person (who may not know anything about the industry) in such a way that they 'get it'.

    Believe me, no matter how good you are at these things, someone will always be better!  And that someone will recruit more people into their organization.

    However, when you're promoting YOU, then no one can ever be better at that.

    Learn how to talk to people.  Learn how to lead people.  Learn how to organize and maximize the efforts of your team.  THEN, no matter what company you're with, people will follow you!!

    And, companies will pursue you to join them.  (Not distributors, COMPANIES!!)  They would KILL to have you on the top level of the OWNER or PRESIDENT of the company.

    Now, a questions should come to mind ... 'how do I promote myself?'

    It's not in the leads, or the script that you use.  It's in your people skills (after all, this is a people-to-people business).

    Check out

    This is a course that I've used with great results.  If you use it, religiously use it, you will NOT be afraid to call your prospects.

    But, to be honest, if you use this course, you won't have to call you prospects ... they'll be lining up ... calling YOU!!

    Hope this helps!!

    William Noel  

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