
How do I get over my hatred for democrats?

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Are there any good ones out there?




  1. Don't hate the person - hate what they stand for and represent, and do your fighting by campaigning for your leadership choice(s) and in the voting booth!

  2. Do you even know what Hate is? How could you hate someone because of their political views, that is what is wrong with this site too many kids talking like this.

    McCain 08

  3. Hatred is an extremely negative emotion. YOU need to control your emotions.

    Liberal Democrats frequently disappoint. We hear what they say, then measure it against what they "do". Usually, they can be found guilty of false advertising. That is to say, they sell the idea, but never deliver in the manor promised. Lies & deceit are the only constant they offer us.

    Try as we do, to find something positive in them, they always let us down. Empty promises, result in empty pockets. They denigrate & besmirch, then pat themselves on the back. They tell us to be tolerant, of intolerable people who refuse to respect accepted social norms. They justify perversions, by calling it "art".

    I understand the frustrations they cause. We could argue semantics all day. Feel the way you feel about them. There seems to be no redeeming qualities in them. Be certain your views are fair & correct in your soul. In that, you should find peace.

  4. The wolf you feed, is the one who will grow.

    Lay off of FOX, Rush, and Hannity for about a month.

    Read some alternative viewpoints.

    You are what you eat, right?

  5. i am a democrat why do u hate me cause i may not agree with u on all issues. I have republicans in my family and we all love each other whats the problem

  6. It does seem they are difficult to reach intellectually. Just treat them as misguided children that need a spanking.

  7. The Bible says there are deceivers and those that are deceived and also to love your enemy's and pray for those that spitefully use you.,,,james the hollow earth man

  8. Are you freakin kidding me?! Who is asking how to get over there Hatred?!

    Just for future reference Hate is Never good, it's even more scary when it comes from fear...

    I am a Bleeding Heart Liberal all the way, and guess what I hate no one, I actually have compassion for my fellow neighbors, even the ones that are Hateful ignoramuses. LOL

  9. Recognize that competition is a good thing.  The more political candidates, the more choice, the better the system works.  Is it the party you hate, or the particular candidates?

  10. WHY?.....when they CHANGE...maybe but until then.....stay on track

  11. The way to get over your hatred for democrats is to just vote for them. Then you will be one and then you will be a good one! Right? Good luck! And if there are no good ones remember that Lieberman is McCain's biggest supporter and he is actually a Democrat!  

  12. Just realize that hatred is not constructive, and the vast majority of Democrats just don't know any better.

  13. Of course there are some. You just don't hear anything from them because they are hard working and are not vicious like the ones you hear from like Campbell Brown. I can't think of any good ones right now but I'm sure they exist.  Maybe Hillary.

  14. You cant, your obviously a republican, and therefore incapable of love , or compassion. Hate is all you know.

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