
How do I get over that my son fell out of his high chair?

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He is 8 months old. It happened today. My mom put him in and did not strap him down after I have told EVERYONE to do so so many times! He pulled himself up and fell out. His nose was bleeding, and he had some scratches on his face. My mom caught him by the leg, but he did hit his head on the ground. I grabbed him, ran to the nursery with him as I cried and was yelling . I was so terrified. We took him to the ER and he is okay. But I will never be able to forget this and I feel like a horrible mommy. My husband is so upset. How do I feel better?




  1. time. really, this is going to bother you for a while no matter what any of us says. eventually, though, you will be able to think about it without feeling terrible. that said, i can tell you that ruby launched herself of the stairs -- the hard wood stairs -- and landed on her head at 10 months old. she had a nasty bruise and bump, and i was devestated. she was totally fine. and she has had so many bumps and bruises since then. the big falls make you more cautious, and babies really are designed to tolerate these things. it's a rite of passage -- it happens to all of us!

    havea glass of wine. you're a good momma.

  2. Accidents happen, and all kids have accidents - they really are unavoidable.

    You aren't a bad mum. If you were a bad mum, you wouldn't have even told people to strap him in.

    Aks your mum what accidents she's had with you. I guarantee there'll be quite a few.

    My mum took me out of the bath when I was a baby and dropped me. I didn't fall far, and she was being super careful (as always) but I guess I was just slippery!

    The only way to protect your child 100% is to wrap 'em up in cotton wool. obviously thats really extreme and you'll be a worse mummy for doing that!

    The good news is that he's alive and well.

    You ARENT a bad mum.


  3. Luckily God makes them tougher than we know and it wont be his first or last bump.   Just think of the positive and be thankful he is okay.

    Live for the future and try not to dwell on the past.  He is fine and your husband will get over it too.

    I am sure your Mother feels horrible and next time won't forget to buckle him up for safety.

    Accidents happen, but he is fine so count your blessings!

    Best of Luck (especially since he's a boy...they are wild haha!!)

    Carrie =)

  4. Remember, kids get hurt and sick. And sometimes it is your fault. It just is. But we as parents and have to except that. Don't take it to hard. Worse things will happen, and you have to not take it as being a bad mom. If you love your son and provide what he needs, and try to protect him you are a good mother. You can't protect him from everything but as long as you try is are just fine. Don't you remember all the bangs and bruises and broken bones you had as a kid? Keep your chin up and do your best. Then you can sleep at night:)

  5. i know how you feel my 7 month old today fell off the bed for the first time ... he's ok he fell and then started to cry and then he started to laugh... i guess i realize today as a parent you can't always be there to protect your child... but you can always do your best!

  6. You will probably never get over it and will become more demanding that others be more careful, and you may never trust anyone to watch your little one either.  Just be thankful that the ER did not call child protective services like they did on my daughter when her baby fell off of the bed while at home with father....My daughter wasn't even home.

    But now we are going thru a custody battle with the TX law to get her baby back because they didn't believe it was an accident...Be thankful he is okay and cherish every moment you have.  We may live in a free country however we are only free when the law says we can be. At any moment they can rip your little one out of your arms...

  7. Why do you feel like a horrible mother ?? Your mother should be the one feeling bad ,how silly to not strap him in...Believe me you will have more little accidents like this one .it pays to do the boring things ,strap ,check ,don't leave baby alone in anything that can fall ..But this was not your fault .and you will learn to react better in future ...after a few more little falls ..hopefully nothing as preventable as this time ...I bet grandma learnt too ...

  8. This once happened to my brother but he was bleeding on the head and he got steches and hes fine now. And dont feel bad u told your mother to strap him and she didnt its ok. My son fell down the stairs and broke his leg. But hes fine as long as the kid is fine. Why feel upset?? It was no ones fault he didnt know what he was doing.  

  9. Just think of it as the first time of many falls!! However I know that you feel bad cause he depends and fully trusts you & family to make sure he doesn't get hurt. But (innocent) mistakes happen!!

    First forgive your mom & know that it's NOT your fault. Second, give your son lots of cuddles and love on that button nose and Third remind yourself that this is the first time of many!

  10. Wow, that  must have been scary!!  It's hard as a mommy to not think about the "what ifs" or "what could have happened",  but it did happen, thank God that he's ok and hopefully everyone will have learned from the experience!  You aren't a horrible mommy at all!!  Just a normal one:)  Every mother on earth can probably tell you a story about a mistake that she made which resulted in an er trip.  My husbands mom dropped him on his head on a concrete floor when he was little.  Just remember (and make sure everyone else remembers) that you have to prepare for any possibility!  You can be the queen of safety and have your house end to end hooked up with the latest and fanciest baby proofing stuff ever and your little one will still find something to get into, on or behind.  The trick is to try and stay one step ahead.  Good luck,  be safe and....breathe, your son is fine and you're a good mom!

  11. You just have to remember we are all human.  It wasn't your fault he fell anyways.  But even so, accidents happen everyday, this wont be the last time he hurts himself and you blame yourself.  Just be thankful he isn't seriously hurt.  My best friends son is 3 months old, when he was 2 months they went to someones house to buy a kitten, they went inside to look at them and a few minutes later her husband realized the baby was still in the car!!  OOPS!  Thank god it was just a few minutes and it was in the evening, because we live in phoenix and a mistake like that often causes death.   My son was 2 weeks old and i accidentally dropped the cordless phone on his soft spot, he let out such a loud scream, i felt like the horriblest mom in the world.. but he was fine once he calmed down.   When he was 4 months i was holding him and tripped while walking down the stairs, i fell down 4 stairs.. luckily he wasn't hurt but i was lol.  And another time when he was very young i was going to lay him down in his room an smacked his head on the side of the door.  Poor guy.. he is 5  now and luckily doesn't have brain damage!!  Haha, i can go on an on with stories from me and friends but ill probably run out of room to type!  Just remember, you are human, humans make mistakes.. we aren't super moms and never will be, we cant predict the future or what out crazy little boy is going to do next. And i think going 8 months without an oops is pretty d**n good!  lol

  12. drink.

  13. You get over this by realizing that accidents are going to happen even to little ones. This probably will not be the only time your child falls or gets hurt. You will feel better tomorrow so will your husband. The ER said nothing was wrong- your baby is fine- guilt will pass. I would not blame your mother for this- yes she forgot to strap him in but I have seen infants get out of high chairs being strapped in. Children are resilient and he will probably never remember this. He was likely more scared especially when you grabbed him and ran to the nursery crying and yelling. When little ones do get hurt- you must remain calm so that they will remain calm. If you are falling apart your child is going to be more scared and more traumatized by the incident than if you had remained calm. I see this all the time in the center- a child falls hits their body somewhere and mom or the caregiver react- the child who may not be hurt at all- sees the reaction and starts to cry.  

  14. First off, I don't know of a baby that hasn't fallen out of his high chair.  Not one.  They do this because they wiggle and scoot all over the place in their chair.  They are at the age now where they are becoming independent and trying to find their own space instead of always laying against someone's body to eat. BTW, if you think this is bad, wait untl he jumps on his bed while you are not looking and smashes his head on the wooden rail.  Who are you going to blame for that?  Right.  Look, your mother made a mistake, and learned the hard way.  He's just a little squirmy worm.  My son was a major squirmy worm.  Still is at 3 1/2.  Just get over it, the worst has happened and the little fella survived it.  They are stronger than we think.  The human head is very strong skull.  We were made to take these hits.

  15. Sometimes accidents happen even if we are extra careful. Of course you feel terrible about it. That is your baby. Accidents do happen though. Give it a few days. You'll feel much better. Don't beat yourself up. Children are very resilient and I am sure he has already forgotten about it.

    You are STILL a good mommy! =)

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