
How do I get over the embarressment of asking my mom for tampons/pads??

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I really am too embarressed. I did it today...but then I realized i have to get pantiliners! How do I ask her? Is a note a good idea? Because then I wouldnt know if she knew or not! I would like to do e-mail...but she doenst have one. How do i ask her? And please dont say "she'll understand, or just tell her" It doesnt help!! I'm soo scared to talk about this subject with people. Should I just ask my sister I guess? Again? help!




  1. Why on earth would you be embarrassed about your mom knowing you have a period?  I imagine she'd prefer you told her that, because if I was a mom and my daughter DIDN'T tell me she started her period, I'd eventually be concerned for my period-less daughter's health.  I'm sure she'd rather you told her.

    If you need to be frightened into telling your mom, consider this:

    Which is more embarrassing:  asking your mom for pads/tampons, or having the blood show through your pants because you didn't have any?

  2. You could put a note somewhere she always is around, like the kitchen table or something. Maybe the grocassry list ( if u have one). You can ask you sister again and again, until you feel comfortable, or try practising in the mirro asking for them. Good luck!!

  3. Every woman has to buy these products. Every woman has to use these products. There is no reason to feel weird about it. They are the same as a tooth brush, you have to use one, there is no shame in it.

    Write her a note if you feel weird talking about it, but I promise you... give it a year and you will be able to buy tampons in front of your friends and family no problem. They are a part of life.

  4. Calm down,

    She is your mom, she's not going to look at your vag if you don't want her to.

    Simply ask her to take you to the store and you can choose the type that fits you best.\

    Every girl is gonna get her period sooner or later, it's not embarrassing.

  5. You need to realize that your mom has either used or still does use these products herself and will not judge you for asking her for these things. In fact, that's what moms are for!

    A period is nothing to be ashamed of...all women go through it!

    Go up to your mom and say "Mom, I've started my period and I need supplies.:

    She'll know exactly what you mean and will help you out. Honestly, she will probably be hurt if you don't ask for help, as this is a major changing point in every girl's life and moms want to be involved in all of that stuff!

  6. Say, "Mom, I think I'm getting my period, can you explain it to me?"

    She will be hurt if you go to your sister, and there is nothing to be afraid or ashamed of, believe it or not your Mom went through it once, and knows exactly what to do.

  7. This is going to come up every month, so you need a system. You can make a list, ask your sister, buy your own, or notice where she keeps them and get them yourself. You an make a general statement like, "We're out of pantyliners" or tell her that you are getting your period. Whatever works for you. This happens to all of us and it will keep happening--don't worry it gets easier.

  8. Go buy them yourself or tell your mom to give you some money so you can go buy some if you dont work yet. tell her you need to get some extra personal stuff. if you guys are at the store just put what you need in the basket and if she looks at you funny tell her you need it, im sure shell understand.

  9. your mom got her period before and she knows what its all about, and the embarrasment. she really will understand, i promise. just ask her. write a note if you need to and pass it to her so no one else happens to come across it until you feel comfortable enough to verbalize it

  10. well if your that freaked out about it, 'cause otherwise i would just say ask her, besides that's the best way to get over your fear, my advise is to talk to your sister about it. that way, seeing as your embarrassed by the situation, you don't run the risk of someone else finding your note/ email.

    good luck!

  11. ask your mom to give you money don't tell her why and you could go buy it yourself it is not embarrassment to ask your mom for pad or tampons it is normal cause every girl gets there period. i didn't have my mom I lived with my dad and I ask him for money when he asked me why I said it is my month time and understood me.I got my period when I was 11

  12. I have had this problem so I can help. Periods happen to every women in the world. Itz natural ok? Dont be ashamed. I often need pantyliners for leakage and discharge too.

    A text  might be suitable but trust me, your Mum will be proud that you are turning in2 a women!

    Other options


    -Ask school s*x educator



    -Just ask!

    -Call a help line if u r REALLY embarassed

  13. well first of all you shouldnt be embarressed of your period and stuff like that think about it you will be living like that for like the next 30+years and when you ask her just try to be calm dont make it a big deal I mean c'mon shes your mom whats the worst she can do to you?she has gone through the same things SHES A WOMAN SHE HAS TO BUY THEM!in the rare case she doesnt ask your sis...hope I helped

  14. being scared is totally fine.

    even though your mom has been through the same thing you are, and has experience with it, it's fine to be embarassed to ask her. i was embarassed with my mom too, but when i needed them, she really came in handy with that.

    if you're more comfortable with asking your sister, then that's totally fine. if she's older than you, then she shouldn't have a problem with it.

  15. When she's going to the store, just say mom, it's that time of the month, hand her a list of what you would like

    platex tampons


    ultrathin pads


    she'll understand that you're slightly embarrassed.

  16. Sweetie you need is to talk with your mom about that subject! Once you have talked it out with your mom you will feel comfortable...I mean that's your mom YOU KNOW THE FEMALE WHO GAVE BIRTH TO YOU! When you talked that subject out with your mom, you can tell her in your own words like you don't like sayin pads/tampons just sayin something else if you like

  17. Why would you be scared to ask your mom? Honestly, if you can't ask her, then who can you ask? If you're really that scared, try asking your sister. Or maybe tell your mom you need some money to get something from the store, and just go buy them yourself.

  18. You could get your sister to help you if she is older.  Don't be embarassed, it is a natural thing.  In another year you will be comfortable with your period.  As a mom, I would want you to ask me for help.  That is what a mom is for.

  19. Just ask her!  To you it is something new and embarrassing but to her it a normal part of life she has lived with for years and is expecting you to have a period too.  Also she will have already been through this once if you sister is older.

  20. Of course a note would do. You can also ask your sister. I understand how you feel and how you are nervous. It is natural and any way you feel comfortable getting the point across is fine. You can also tell your mom you need to go to the store. You could then go and get some and pay. That's what i do most of the time.

  21. Yeh, buy them your self if your that bothered. I dont see why your so embarrased about something that happens to every girl. And has happened to your sister and your mother. At least you have a sister, i have two older brothers. I had no problem talking to my mum about that stuff, but i am really close to her.

  22. Just go up to your mom (you don't need to discuss this with the world! LOL!) and tell her you need what you need...she'll totally understand because SHE is a woman and has been there done that....and you said you have an older sister so your mom has done this before :) It's not like this is a total surprise....all girls get their period and it's nothing to be afraid or ashamed of. (((hugs)))

  23. A note would be good. I was too embarrassed to ask my mom too. I mean, she was what in her 30's or 40's, to me, she just didn't get it. That, and my mom does NOT embarrass easily.  Leave a note, where she'll see it, or even just give it to her, and flee. :-)

  24. your mom shuld understand the embarassment, ask her if she can give you money every month for feminane products so you don't have to go through the akwardness of asking all the time. But don't write her note it is impersonal and a mother wants to know her kids can talk to her.

  25. TEXT HER! :)  otherwise i'd say ask your sister..your mom already knows you've started your period (which if anything she's proud her baby is becoming a woman im sure!) so its not like your trying to 'hide' anything from her. hopefully your sister is cool about it and doesnt make you feel uncomfortable. good luck!

  26. dont be embarrassed, remember ur mom is a woman too. she knows u have ur period so its not something new to her. calmly ask her if when she goes by the store if she would pick u up some panty liners or whatever it is u need. if this is ur first period, tell her you've started. its only natural that oyou do.

  27. You're worrying over a non-issue.  Your mother is a woman, and remembers well how uncomfortable and embarrassing it can be with your first few periods.  

    Suck it up, kiddo -- this will be happening every month for the next 40 years, so you might as well get used to it and stop acting so skittish.  And, the more maturely you handle this, the more parental points you get for being mature.  Act like a kid about it -- and you'll keep getting treated like a kid.

  28. Don't be embarressed about it, I think it's something all females go through at some point. Your sister might be sick of you asking her, but buying them yourself could be more embaressing than asking your mom. Sometimes I go with my mom to the supermarket and then just put some in the trolly. Easy! Or when your write a note, just hand it to her directly. I know it's probably a big deal now but eventually you'll just get used to it.

    Good luck!

  29. what you should do is say to your mom ,can i run to the store i am on my period and i really need pantiliners. if you say it like that then she will have to run you to the store because we all know that women get cranky when on thier period. or an alternative is to ask your sister to ask your mom for them, make sure she says they are for you because your mom needs to know these things! hope i could help

  30. If your that embarrassed just ask her for money for any random thing. And go buy some yourself, they sell them everywhere.

    I don't see what the big deal is, but if your uncomfortable with it than maybe your should just use regular pads until your ready to talk to her about it.

  31. I felt the same way every time I needed something like that. But all I did was ask my mom for some money to go get something at the store when I went and go an get them myself and then go put them in the car. I did that for a while but now when ever I need some I'm just Like "Mom I need some tompons/pads." and then I walk out of the room as fast as I can. Hope this Helped!

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