
How do I get over these problems at work?

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I just started working at Applebee's as a hostess and today I worked my first real day instead of being trained/working. Today I came home miserable the girls who host with me act so mad when I do something wrong. I am having a huge problem with remembering the table numbers and I keep getting them mixed up and they hate it. Also they keep having me bus for them instead of host and even when I have nothing to bus they tell me to get out of the front and bus. I never know what to do. The manager is fine it's just a couple girls who are always yelling at me for doing things wrong. I don't know what to do I don't really want to tell anyone.




  1. give it some more time you'll get into the swing of things. I doubt that anyone is really "yelling" at you -- it might just seem that way since you are frustrated. As long as your boss is happy with you and you keep busy at all times there should be no worries.

  2. Relax, maybe one day you'll be boss of those girls.

  3. Apologize for any mistakes and confront them.

    I'm sorry i have minimal experience in this field, will any of you care to help me so i can improve.

  4. Take a deep breath, relax and  review what you are expected to do.  Starting a new job is always tough, everyone else seems to know what is what and you don't.  The bothersome gals may be the type that are insecure and want to put others down, especially the new girl who may be feeling overwhelmed and lacking in confidence.  If the manager seems okay, I'd check in with her in a day or two and ask if there is anything you need to be aware of that you aren't getting right. (something like that)  Just be sure not to "tell on" or "complain" about the behavior of the other girls.  It's not about their rudeness, it's about you properly learning your job and serving your customers to make their experience at Applebees the best possible.  Good luck!

  5. Give it some time, a good trick to remember the table numbers is to just remember where they start. So if you know where booth 10 is and where table 20 is you can just count in your head. The good thing about busing is if you get tipped out individually from the servers you'll most likely get more money because your helping the servers more, plus I know I see that person busing as working more and that looks better.  

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