
How do I get past a second life computer ban?

by  |  earlier

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Alright, I was banned for doing a stupid thing on second life, griefing, anyways, it's been a year since I was banned, and I don't plan on making the same mistake again. Calling them, or emailing them, will NOT work. Alright now then, here's my question, how do I get un banned from my comp? What did they ban me from, and what can I do about it? I don't think they banned the last two digits of my IP because I changed it, and it still didn't work. BUT when I go downstairs, and play the comp with last two different digits, it works. So it can't be the IP i'm thinking, right? Because if it was, I would beable to access it from my comp when I change the mac address to change the last two digits of the IP. So what else can they ban on my comp? My hardrive? Please let me know, so I can figure out what to change, or what I need to do, thanks!




  1. They banned part 2 and 3 of your ip address. You said that if you go downstairs and use the computer with the last 2 digits work? Yes its an ip ban read below

    It is a lifetime IP address ban. If you want a new ip and have a linksys router please follow the instructions provided below to change all of your ip address:

    *This is for most linksys routers*

    In your browser type in not reset your router) and you will get a username and password prompt. For the username (for most linksys routers) is admin and the password is admin (if not reset your router and if that doesnt work consult your manual). Ok now your in. Please click on MAC Address Clone in the setup tab. Alright now click enable if its not already enabled. Now you can change all the numbers for your mac address! Change all the numbers in the mac address (it may give you errors like out of range, to fix this only use numbers 1-9 and letters a-f) to different things! But before you click save settings i most warn you. You will still have access to your router but your internet will be disabled until you successfully complete the next step! now click Save Settings and wait, It may take awhile. After it says its completed or if the page refreshed click the Status tab. Your IP and mac and everything will be and your internet will be disabled. Next go to your router and unplug it and unplug the modem too! When they are both off wait 1 minute and plug them back in. Wait for them to both get initialized and ready and go back to your computer. Your computer should now be internet connection enabled again with an entirely new ip address and you can now log in to second life (if it was an ip ban)!

    *Steps to take if you don't have a router and you are connected directly to the modem*

    First go to run located in the start menu. Type in run "cmd" without the quotes. With the new window open type in "ipconfig /release" without the quotes! this will disable your internet. Now leave the command prompt alone for now. Now unplug your modem and wait 2 minutes this time. Plug your modem back in after 2 minutes and wait for it to initialize. Now go back to your computer and type in command prompt  "ipconfig /renew" without the quotes and wait. After a bit you should get your stats for your ip and everything in command prompt and it should be entirely new.

    Please note that if you dont have a linksys router plug your laptop (or whatever) directly into the modem and do the steps for the modem!

    Have fun!

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