
How do I get people to shop at my webstore...?

by Guest32642  |  earlier

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I know about advertising and marketing, but I am yet to make my first sell at my store. How do I get the customer to want the product that I'm selling within a matter of seconds? Please help if you know anything. Thanks




  1. Well, this is a very wide topic, could you please be specific. Are we talking about enhancing user experience or talking about web analytics?

    For stores it's better to provide as much details as you can do, start with the simple and obvious details to the big ones. Price should be clear showing all the hidden taxes and shipping costs, this will reduce your bouncing.

    You may also try to reduce the conversion path by removing the unnecessary steps. The new one step checkout is the ultimate these days (been a year now) try to use it if you have development team.

    Try also not to force the users to register to your site and give them the alternative to checkout without registration.

    Provide search into the top of your page below the logo with button called search and make it wide enough to type up to 7 words medium size.

    providing site-map page with breadcrumbs will reduce store usability, contact us and privacy must be available allover the site and preferable to be at the top right of the header.

    Your navigation should be consistent allover the site so the user can now where he/she is at any time.

    a lot could be said on this topic, more details will help us determine what are your needs.

    Hope this helped somehow, and I will be glade to answer more in details.

  2. adding the website after your question?

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