
How do I get phone call records? Please help!?

by Guest57198  |  earlier

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I need to know how to fnd phone call records because someone keeps calling my mom's cell phone and whenever my dad answers the guy says obscene things about my mom and its making my dad think that my mom is cheating on him. He calls under "Private Caller" so I don't know how to find his number. I need to clear this up between my parents because something really bad will happen so please help me! Thank You.




  1. You can't get records till the bill is printed? If they  blocked there call there is no record>But you can call the police and ask them they can get a court order and go after this person> I just found this out as i need the number of a call>

  2. I am not sure about cell phones but for land phones, the phone company can track the calls.

    Call your phone service company and explain the situtation. You don't have to go into any details about WHAT this moron says, just that it's obscene calls.

    They may direct you to call the police and file a report, which your mother will have to do if the phone is in her name.

    I had this happen to me several years ago. The guy would call all times of the day or night. I finally got rid of him when I answered and said, "Hey, please keep talking because the police are tracing the call and I need you on the line for a few more seconds so they can come arrest you." That ended the calls.

    As for your Dad thinking your Mom is cheating on him, that's between the two of them. It's not something you can fix for them. There is obviously a bit of mistrust on your father's part and who knows why that is so.....It's their marriage. Try to let them work it out.

    Good luck.

  3. I think, you have to use * 67 or call trace function. ( might be a different *?? depending on your location or provider.  Every time the individual does this. But it does cost money to use the function each time. And then file a police report. So the police officer can obtain the record and then have a talk with this individual, who is making the calls.

  4. Hi, I am unsure whether you can go back to the phone company and ask them to track the call. Your best bet is to go to the police and report the incident. If it continues they may be able to assist. Good luck.

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