
How do I get pictures and videos to load faster?

by  |  earlier

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Picture and video files are crazy slow on my new computer.

My old one had less than 1G of ram and loaded videos probably 5 times as fast as this one, with the same internet connection.

This computer has 4G of ram, and I just started using it today so I know there aren't any viruses or anything (everything else is lightning fast, and I did already install and run all my security applications). What is going on here? Is there any way to just dedicate more ram to pictures and videos, or what else can I do?

Thanks for your help.




  1. Your internet speed will have a key factor on this, if you have a low speed then the pictures will load up slow, make sure you don't have other devices connecting to the internet and make sure that you are not downloading or using P2P software this should make it load faster.



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