
How do I get psychic?

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I was reading about people's experience with the supernatural and ESP and I want to be able to have premonitons in my dreams. Are there any excersizes I can do to help strengthen my ESP, or is there a book I should read. I know that you do have to have a gene for this power, but you can still strengthen it and make it better, so please don't tell me there is absolutely no way. (Keep the hope alive.) If you have any information that could help, let me know.




  1. Stacey Wolf's Psychic Living

    You can get this book for 10 cents on

    Other than reading books, I recommend relaxation and meditation, which the principles are outlined in the above book.  There are so many books out there and many say the same thing.  By the way, there are so many similarities between psychic and magick, I don't know where you would draw the line.

    Good Luck!

  2. Honestly, you really dont want to "get" esp, trust me.  Try to move on and not let yourself be consumed by the thought because if you don't have to deal with it I really think you dont want to... if you are still interested in the paranormal a better way to dabble and open yourself to that side of life might be a ghost hunting soceity.  Pretty much every area has one and it uses quite a bit of technology that has nothing to do with any kind of extra sensory perception.  It might be fun to bring a more realistic, grounded view to a group and people in these organizations are usually pretty open to anyone.  Besides, it can be very dangerous to try to "give" yourself esp, because throwing your mind out there can make you weak to influences you dont want to encounter.  Sorry, dont know if this helps...

  3. So-called psychic powers have yet to be conclusively (or even inconclusively) demonstrated.  Although many people believe they have supernatural powers so far no one has been able to demonstrate this to be the case.

  4. You have to tap on your intuition, your esp. I do have esp, premonitions, precognitions, and you're right to want to explore more. I don't know of books, when I read it was Rampa, which  I found the most interesting. See I've been doing meditation for ever and so many people deny the paranormal exist until some experience like ned happens, they realize that yes there's something else than the physical body, there's the soul! And it's grand, I mean it's 'reality'  as  never seen it before. Premonitions and precognitions are not necessaraly in dreams, I've always had them in daylight, like when my brother had his motorbike accident, I knew it right then, it was around 5p.m. coming back from work...and many other happenings, though never good ones, it"s always when something bad happens that it hits the most.

    I wish luck in doing so.

  5. Study the human behavior, suffering. Body language. Characterize all of these things. Compare them one to the other. Do this with everyone you come across. Speak the first thing that comes to your mind, at least you will find out if you have that unique sensitivity. Do this with people you already know and then move on to people you just met.

  6. If you want to strengthen your delusions of ESP, I suggest trying hallucinogenic drugs, because that's all they are - delusions.

  7. Everyone is a bit psychic, whether we know it or not. I want you to do a couple of things. It may not be exactly what you are looking for but it will eventually lead you down the right path.

    There is a video on youtube, I believe it is called zero point. It was filmed back in the 90's. Just to warn you it is about four hours long. It will not teach you how to be psychic but it will leave you with a better understanding of the universe and it would be a great base for starting off on your quest.

    Another thing you can try is to ask your guardian angel or your spirit guide for guidance or ask them to help you reconnect with your higher power. It is best to do this at night before falling asleep. Perhaps you will have some interesting dreams. You can ask them anything like to give you guidance about something. It is not like you will wake up in the morning with all knowing power. They will show you signs, while sleeping and while awake.

    You have to remember each psychic is different. Some who talked to spirits don't exactly talk to them like we talk. Usually the spirit will show the psychic symbles and the psychic will have to interpret to he best of their ability.

    Good luck on your journey.

  8. I'm sorry but someone told you some wrong information. There isn't any gene known which confers this ability to people. That must be one of those internet rumors. Anyway, people have been trying forever to try to predict things but nobody can seem to do it. Using paranormal powers that is. If there is a way, nobody seems to know what it is.

  9. People who have ESP make up only about 1 % of the population. Those claim to be mentalists, or have ESP or even psychics are completely fake. You do not have ESP, it's in your genes. If you can strength ESP, wouldn't other people can too? Then everyone would have ESP....

    I'm sure that book is a fake.

  10. The best way to increase any human ability including your psi abilities is to pay attention to them and practice them.

    There is no ESP gene that has been found. The scientific research suggest that psi abilities are normal human abilities that are distributed normally in the human population.

    In other words everyone has psi abilities just like every one has the ability to play basketball but not everyone is Kobe Bryant and not everyone has the same level of psi ability.

    I would suggest starting with some basic psi experiments/test online. I have included links below.

    People that practice meditation have performed better on some psi test so that might be something to consider as well.

    If you want to try premonitions the first thing to do is to be able to recall your dreams. This can be done by keeping a journal or tape recorder by your bed so that you can record your dreams immediately upon waking up.

    I have included a link that will allow you to register your premonitions.

    Edit: Once again the Priesthood of YA Psuedoskeptics give the answer with actual information multiple thumbs down in their attempt to stop people from seeing scientific information that contradicts their personal beliefs.


  11. Everyone has the opportunity to develop some degree of psychic ability.  As we are all spiritual beings existing on a physical plane, communication between spirits would not be limited to the spoken word... to voice.  We always have been and always will be spirit, so our mind must have the ability to communicate with others on a spiritual level.

    It would appear we are all psychic to a certain degree but our open mindedness, awareness and of course development would all be factors that could determine our level of ability.

    The most culturally acceptable definition of someone who is psychic would be one who knows how to read and translate information received that would be coming from another person in order to help that person in their life.  Using senses not confined to the usual 5 physical senses of sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste.

    To understand the science of psychic ability is not as simple a task as I first thought. As there is no common thread or path to becoming a psychic, it is difficult to map out even basic characteristics of people who have become psychic.  Self-awareness, personal development and life-experience would all be factors that could determine one's ability.  It also seems there are broad factors to consider such as society's acceptance of paranormal activity and evolution of collective consciousness.  So it seems there would be two types of connection,

    A mind to mind and a mind to collective mind.

    Our aura or spiritual being, through an act of mind, acts much like a radio transmitter, sending and receiving signals. The individual, through study, meditation, or personal growth seems to gain the ability to transmit and receive higher frequencies that are typically not discernable to the common man.  This attunement to frequencies beyond base human experience may be a connection to the source energy of all matter in the universe. This source energy can act as an information highway to the psychic.

    It is scientific fact that we are all connected at a quantum level.  Metaphysics tells us that all matter in the universe is at its subatomic level, vibrating strings of energy.  Vibrating energy that has properties. High and low, dense and light, expansive and contractive.  As all matter is energy, it must contain information in order to give it form. Human form as well.  Understanding this energy, tapping into this intelligence, allowing of its knowledge is the art and craft of the psychic.

    I teach the development of psychic and mediumistic abilities and have an online Spiritual community and psychic school where we have several classes daily all for FREE !!

    Come and have a look around

  12. At last someone is curios!!!

    Hi im burak and im a very strong cryokinetic (most people dont believe me :~( ) and thats a psychic ability ofcourse i was born withit anyway enough about me you can develop psychic abilities i wrote a book on it unfortunately because im 14 i cant get it published so i cant send you it :( you must tell me what ability you want are you sure on just ESP or do you want an ability besides ESP like Telekinesis (moving objects with your mind) Electrokinesis (generating and manipulating electricity) Lunakinesis (manipulating clouds) dont confuse lunakinesis with lunarkinesis lunarkinesis is the ability to manipulate energy that the moon generates anyway      do a research on these abilities and then tell em i have techniques for each of everyone of these abilities

    Hope you find an ability that suits you!!!

    Edit:                                                                                              The million dollar prize is just someone who doesnt believe in psychic abilities and said that if someone comes up and proves that the have abilities that he will give a million dollar prize.                                                                                                    Ofcourse I am cryokinetic why should I lie if I want to help you?  :)                                                                                                so do you want to learn an ability?

  13. meditate for two or three years and you will find that you are having some powers like me

  14. it is a dengerouse thing you want to go in to . i hope you understand this. but if you must go into this then read some of  Lamson Rampa's books. but remember when you beging to have out of body experience and you have not known where you belong, it will be bad for you. have a good thought on this.

  15. Well, here you go:

    Please feel free to prove that "There is a way, I know there is." and win yourself the Million bucks. But be quick, time is running out...

    BTW, if you succeed in convincing him to part with a million bucks I only ask for a 20% spotters fee. Thanks.

    You can also hunt down the author of the book and share this info with them. So, they can go on to produce more propaganda oops I mean novels oops I mean ahem, books.

    EDIT: Follow the link...there is a million dollers up for grabs...

  16. Just because someone wrote a book about something it doesn't make it true. Maybe the person that wrote the book even knew that what he was saying was a pack of lies but knew it would be   a good way to make a quick buck.

    But don't worry, soon someone will be along who thinks that ESP is real and will give you a link to some sites.

    If and when you master ESP of any other supernatural ability you will be able to win one million dollars from the Amazing Randi.

  17. people say going in deep meditation helps develop psychci powers...but since thier is no legitimate trial carried out on the above..i can say u cd try it and find out fr urself

    P.S. Dont mind me saying it...but ur avatar looks kinda ugly smiling....try a different expression

  18. There is absolutely no way.

    Sorry but I see no point in giving you false hope.

  19. If you want a gift to help people genuinely only Jesus Christ can help you with that. Some 'gifts' that people have no matter how cool it may seem are demonic in origin and only leads to destruction.

  20. You already have it, everyone does. You are smart enough not to believe people that say it isn't possible. They are the ones that live in fear of those that exercise it freely. Don't be one of them and you are half way there.

    There were many, many good comments. Meditation, study, if you want to fast track find someone that is mystical and hang around with them. Learn what they know, WHO they know and go from there. YOU CAN DO IT!

  21. Sorry, but those people were lying to you (or deluding themselves).  No one can do this.  The future is not set; everything you do changes it.  There's no 'ESP gene'.  Find a real hobby - music is fun.

  22. Yes, everyone is born with ESP/psychic ability but we start to "turn it off" or "tune it out" because of society and our parents and family.  It can be learned just as playing the piano or playing a sport, it takes time and practice.  I would suggest finding a psychic development group in your area. has lots of psychic development groups in most areas, or look up a local psychic medium on the web and see if they offer classes.  John Edward has a great Psychic Development audio course, and John Holland's Psychic Navigator is pretty good... also Lisa Williams has
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