
How do I get....... ?

by  |  earlier

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As a Yank... I would like to meet with... " The Queen Mum!"

[ Please, No Disrespect Intended - AS - I have heard Many.. refer to her as THAT! ]

How do I get an Invite?

Could not see Tony Blain in November 2006!

Thanks, RR




  1. Ummm! The Queen Mother you mean? She died.

  2. With the security and protocol concerns, I doubt you would get an invite unless you did something extra-ordinary that got a lot of attention in England. Like save the life of a member of the rouyal family or some such thing. I doubt that many of the average citizens of Great Britian have met her face to face. Some may have seen her from a distance at public events that she is involved in but they don't get a chance to get very close to her.

  3. no  disrespect taken  UK   citizen  have  same  problem  As  the  Queen  Mum  has  now  gone  to  heaven ....or  were ever  ...   but   if  its  the  present  Queen  your  referring  to  ....never  refer  to  her  as " that "   she  is   the  Queen   ...loads  of  respect  for "her   majesty  "  ...OK  its  a  Brit  thing  we  cant  help  it  but  most  of  us   love  her  you  feel  the  same  for  the  Bush.s   .think  you  will  ever  have  an  invite  think  not      ...would  be  nice    .

  4. You deserve a star my yank friend.
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