
How do I get "FRESH" skin? ?

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I'm a young Filipino who is seeking for a simple and safe way to have pure, white and fair complexion, my skin is dark and slightly grimy at times.

But when I asked my mom for what I can do to get nice and fair skin, she said that it would be nearly impossible because of my genes and of my Spanish and Chinese blood, I wasn't really convinced by her explanation so I'm wondering if there is a simple and decent way to get fair and white skin like those mestizos I hear about.

I don't really want to go through these risky things like surgery, just something safe and proper for my age (13)




  1. Exfoliating your skin regularly 3 times a week in the evenings will help to keep your skin looking refreshed and glowing.  It will also help to keep it clear of blemishes.

    I also love the clarisonic facial brush for the most amazingly clean skin ever.

  2. Don't concentrate on getting fair skin, concentrate on getting healthy vibrant skin.

    Before reading on remember that you need a lot of patience, because there's no such thing as a "miracle" no matter what other people say.

    Exfoliate your skin once a week, I recommend Clean and Clear because they're products are very effective and cheap and I have many friends with your racial background who like this product.

    Start a daily regime. Cleanse, then moisturize (don't tone unless you have large pores and toning dries out your skin).

    Try Clean and Clear products for all, these will make your skin soft and beautiful.

    To whiten your skin, I recommend using a moisturizing sunblock while outside AND inside. This will help you a lot, in whitening your skin!

    Remember, forget about your skin color. Focus on having BEAUTIFUL skin!


    click on these links they will help

  4. If u think that being whote mans  that u are fresh and ppl wil like u, then stop. Dont change ur skin colour.

    I am asian and i love it!

    U cant change ur skin colour!

  5. To Get nice fresh skin,.. well all my friends say mine is and soft.. and i cleanser  called simple and you just put it on your face and wipe it of with Cotton wool and it takes all left over horrible stuff and make up.. also then i run the tap on full cold and splash your face.. it does you a load of good.. and instead of rubbing it dry dab it with a towel.. and do this as a routine every night.. then in the morning just wash it.. i do this also with simple facial  wash..wash it with cold water.. then dab with towel and after a while you will start to notice the difference  

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