
How do I get re-interested in my book???

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Sometime early this summer, I came up with a great idea for a novel. I spent all my time writing chapters. Then one day I didn't seem so into it. I haven't written anything for that book since.

The thing is, I still really love this idea, and I want to continue it. But I can't seem to get re-interested in the story. Hw do I get passionate about my story again?




  1. I've been there before. Basically, you just have to give it a break. I stopped writing for a few months, then I suddenly had the urge to write again, so I did. I actually just finished my story a few days ago.

    It's all a matter of will-power, really. Just calm down, you'll get back into it. Don't worry.

  2. I'm having this very problem right now. It's a story I'm really interested in finishing, but I've decided to take a break from it. Forcing myself to write won't really help. It's not going to break through the dam of writer's block. It just means I sit there and type out words I'm not going to use later on.

    So, I've decided to give it a break. When I get to it I will. There will be a day, trust me. And if I don't feel like writing then I move onto another story or idea while my imagination heals from that particular wound.

    Good luck!

    Not the best advice but right now I'm short on that; I'll probably add more later.

    Edit: Besides letting it go completely until inspiration hits, you could possibly try and write down some things that could possible happen in the story. Orson Scott Card came up with this great exercise that helps you create an idea and turn it into a novel. It's called the 1,000 sentence idea or something like that.

    You basically start out with a simple sentence and then you think about what could/does happen next. At first it's the most likely outcome, the most cliched but then you think to yourself you want to make it unpredictable, so you do. You let your mind wander until you come up with something new, then you branch off of that sentence and before you know it you've gotten inspiration. It's really helpful. Since this isn't about coming up with an idea, but finishing it rather, then you could narrow down the chapter your last left off of into a few sentences and try out the idea.

    Eventually, you should feel enthusiatic about writing this story. And I think it'd do a lot of good if you found someone who could help you stay interested or at least pushed you to keep going. You could find some place to post your story and maybe the feedback (good or bad) will help you to keep going.

    Good luck!

  3. Try listening to music that is linked to what your stories about

    So if it's a love story listen to love songs kind of thing.

    Read books that are similar to your idea so you can draw inspiration from them [but don't copy obviously]

    Or re-read what you have written so make notes on how to improve the parts you've written or how they can link in to the story later on..this could get you thinking more about where you want it to go and start writing again.

    I hope you start writing again soon

    Good luck with your story


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