
How do I get revenge?

by  |  earlier

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On yahoochess this highly-rated dude challenged me to a 40 min game. We began and I soon began to get a very strong position. With 30 mins to go he informs me he's trying to resign but when he clicks the 'resign' button nothing happens, and can I please resign instead so we can begin a new game? I know he's lying (since his messages are getting through) but he simply refuses to move and this would mean waiting till he runs out of time to win. How can I get back? I know his nick.




  1. minimize the window and start a new game be sure to check back 2 make sure he didnt move

  2. there are all kind of losers who cheat there, not much that you can do, they know tricks.

    if you don't care about points just close the window and start other game.

  3. This happens all the time. The only way for you to win is to wait until his time running out. This is the reason we don't play long game in Yahoo! Chess, instead we play rapid, usually about 20 min.

  4. get a book on chess from ur local libary

  5. Let him run out of time.... he will lose the game.

    **Unrelated side note: 3000th answer for me!**

  6. Report it and move on.

  7. Living well is the best revenge.

    Really, the only thing you can do is either let them time out and lose or just quit the game.
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