
How do I get rich?

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Any suggestion how to make more money. At least 5000 a month.




  1. Work hard, invest wisely, move to Alberta.

  2. by gettin off this compter and getting a job

  3. Here’s a quick way…It actually works, I got this from someone asking this exact question. Tried it and WOW!!!

    Do You Need an Extra Income? Quickly and legally?

    Do you have a PayPal Account? (If not, the set up takes 10-15 minutes.)

    You could make up to $50,000 in one month's time with more money coming in every month thereafter!

    $50,000 in PayPal?

    That's Right! $50,000 dollars in your PayPal ACCOUNT, IT WAS PROVEN ON OPRAH and this system is COMPLETELY LEGAL!!!

    You may have heard of this program (or one like it) on 20/20 or even in the Wall

    Street Journal. $10 that's all it takes. I'll try to keep it short and sweet.

    To get started just copy this whole page and paste it to edit it. Simply follow the instructions below and in 2 to 3 weeks, you will have as much as $50,000 dollars in your PayPal account or even more.

    Most people respond to this program because of the low investment ($10 dollars) and the high profit potential. There is no limit to the income you can generate from this (you can do it over and over). If you follow the instructions, you will reach thousands of people! Honesty, Faith, and Integrity make this system work.

    I think everyone has heard of PayPal. Anyone with an e-mail address can join for FREE! If you're not already a PayPal user, the first thing you need to do is sign up.

    Sign-up for paypal here

    It's really easy to set up and it's FREE!!! Just make sure you have a Business or Premier account or you may be subjected to a monthly income limitation which may slow this program down.

    Send $5 to the first person on the list by using the paypal send money feature, and include in the email: Please add me to your list. This keeps the program legal. Then send another $5 to the 5th person on the list, with an email that says, Thank you. Ive joined.

    Remove the 1st e-mail address and place your address at the bottom. This moves the 2nd to 1st, 3rd to 2nd, 4th to 3rd, and the 5th place into 4th.

    DO NOT TRY TO PLACE YOURSELF IN THE FIRST PLACE. IT WILL ONLY REACH THE PEOPLE YOU SEND IT TO, AND THEN YOUR NAME WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE LIST! If you do this the way it was designed, it will reach thousands by the time your name gets to the top. REMEMBER TO SEND a $5.00 dollar donation to the 1st e-mail address and the message "PLEASE ADD ME TO YOUR LIST," and send an email with the words 'THANK YOU. I'VE JOINED" and the other $5.00 donation to the 5th person.

    This helps the 5th person keep track of progress of the letter and continue to send out more emails. Here is the list:













    (Make sure it's the same e-mail address that you used to open your PayPal account. This is the way you will receive payment)

    Now that you have paid the 1st person and 5th person and sent them both an email, a note, and placed your e-mail address in the 5th place, then what you need to do is post your letter. You can post on, message boards and newsgroups (there are thousands!), and you can even send in an email to your email list. IT IS YOUR JOB AS THE 5TH PERSON ON THE LIST TO ENSURE THERE ARE AT LEAST 20 "THANK YOU. I'VE JOINED" replies. The fifth person is the guardian of the system! If there are not at least 20 replies then the fifth person will keep sending/posting the letter until there is.


    Now the fun happens.we reap what we sow. Other people will see your posting and do the exact same thing, bringing you lots and lots of dollars!! Seriously, its common do it and 25 or more people see and do the same thingso on and so fortheveryone wins!

    You will receive thanks AND THE SAME BLESSING. When your name is on the 1st slot, 8,000 to 15,000 people will send you 5 dollars! Keep in mind the most you spent is $10 DOLLARS! (Remember this: what goes around comes around!)



    Mary Gatters, Columbus, SC:

    I only have one thing to say to you: OH MY GOD! I sent out 142 copies total before 20 replied, like the instructions said. Then I went on a short vacation. When I got back my account had over $32,000 dollars in it already and the money was still coming! I'm still floating on air (especially with my new car). I thought the guardian system sounded cheesy, but now I realize it is the formula that makes this letter really work! THANKS!

    Richard Barrie, Boulder, CO:

    I was shocked when I saw how much money came flooding into my PayPal account. Within 3 weeks my account balance has ballooned to $22,449. At first I thought there had been some sort of error with my account!"

    Here are the step-by-step directions again:

    Step 1.

    Set up your PayPal account, if you don't already have one, and send the top name (1st person) $5.00 dollars. DON'T FORGET to include "Please add me to your list." This is important as it keeps the program legal.

    Step 2.

    Send the other $5.00 dollars and an e-mail stating "Thank you. I've Joined" to the 5th name on the list.

    Step 3.

    Remove the top name, bump the other 4 names up one place each. Place your name in the bottom slot and you will receive a minimum of $100.00 or more from your efforts.

    Step 4.

    Keep sending/posting the letter until you get 20 "Thank you. I've joined" replies in your mailbox.

    That's it. It's that simple!

    Please give it an honest effort, you will not be disappointed and will be very glad you did when it starts to work. Remember, all you are going to be out of pocket is about the cost of a couple of coffees with the opportunity of banking thousands of dollars into your PayPal account! Take the smallest risk of your life. Take 10-20 minutes to work on this small project and reap the rewards!

  4. Work hard...

    Real Estate...

  5. Gamble

  6. If you consider 5000 a month to be a rich person's income, you have humble tastes, and getting rich will be very easy.  Many people want a lot more than that.  So getting a job that pays 5000 per month will be pretty easy.  Just go to a college or university and do what someone I met years ago did.  He simply walked in, said he didn't have any money, and wanted to know how he could get an education in spite of his situation.  They showed him how, he got his education (of course, he later blew it by not utilizing it well).  So, in addition to getting an education, make sure you get one in a subject that you tend to be good at or enjoy.  The people at the school can give you tests that will determine what you appear to be good at based on your current knowledge.  If the results of the tests indicate that what you would most likely be good at is the same as what you think you are interested in doing, then making a decision about what kind of education you should get will be easy.  If you find yourself not knowing what direction to go in, then test the waters by studying different subjects that sound like they might be interesting.  You'll eventually find something that you like and will do well in.  Believe it or not, you might even do very well in a subject that you didn't think you would like.  Your success will then make you look at the subject with a different set of eyes, and you might end up very happy and very rich in an area you never thought you'd be happy in.  If you do this, trust me, you will reach your 5000 per month goal very quickly.  I suspect it will be your starting pay (after completing school) and by the time you've reached retirement age you will be earning double or tripple that income.  Of course, everyone is different.  If academics is not something you can stomach, then possibly the trades are your piece of cake.  Albert Einstein said that if he had to do it all over again, he would probably be a carpenter.  The most important thing to remember when trying to reach your goal is that there's always a way to get there--and there are people in the educational professions who can help you find it no matter what your situation is.  Today, you can get an education the traditional way (daytime classes) or other ways (night classes, weekend classes).  You can get there.  Go for it.  March yourself right down to a school (academic or trade--both can easily get you 5000 per month) and talk to someone.  Wish you the best.

  7. unfortunely, there is no way to get rich,if there was everyone would be doing it....hopefully, you have gotten an education well enough to atleast have a decent paying job,if not, I'm sorry.....

  8. Accumulating wealth is more dependant on how you spend your money rather than how you make it.

  9. I dont know if this is your long term goal or short term one. On a long term basis, you should rather attempt to be successful, not rich. Ofcourse, wealth will follow if you are successful. How to be successful? Start with what you love doing, what you are passionate about, or at least what you are good at. Find a job that helps you do this, or better still, start a business in a small way in this field. Be a specialist or expert in your field. Find out if other people can benefit from your passion. If that is the case, you will be able to find customers for what you do. In the long run, you will be more successful if what you do for a living helps a lot of people.

    Even on the short term, if you want to make money, I would advise yu to follow the above method. Here, instead of starting on your own, perhaps you can get a job where you can put full use of your talents. But remember, do not join any career just for the money. It should help you develop your talent/ passion and help you start on your own down the road.

    Trust this helps.

  10. I'm married with 2 kids a house and two cars which one is a suburban that gets 12 to 14 miles a gal,and the one thing i can really tell you 60.000 a year might give you a comfortable life if your single.But if you plan to have a family you will need at least 120000 to live.So what I'm really trying to say go back to school and good luck!

  11. rob a bank

  12. get an education then work work work
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