
How do I get rid of Moles in my Garden?

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They are destroying my garden. Can anyone help




  1. Moles feed on Grubs, You must have plenty there for them to eat. You can do it organically by putting mothballs all over the places where the holes were; or you can use traps. Here is a forum I found that would be very helpful.  

  2. what you need to do it get yourself a scissor trap they easy to set find a hill that's near a hedge or fence then with a prodder about 2ft long start prodding around when you feel no resistance then you've found the run cut a small hole big enough to put the trap in then fill the top in so no daylight can enter then wait if you buy a new trap bury for a week and never touch it with you bare hands their sense of smell is incredible use some old gardening gloves if you have any problems e-mail me

  3. I have this problem.

    The answer is TRAPS.

    It does take a bit of skill to learn how to set them, but I am learning.

    Having disposed of one mole, however, just be aware that there is a queue of them waiting to move in on those lovely runs!

    It will be a never ending battle.

    Good luck!

    Edit: Mole repellents are a waste of time. Pellets, things that make noises, stuff that smells.

  4. This very dangerous, but... Take a bottle of bleach and a bottle of ammonia. Use small bottles. You need only a couple of ounces.  (DO NOT BREATH IN THE VAPORS! IT CAN KILL YOU!)

    Pour in the ammonia then the bleach. And get it covered quickly, and get away. This produces chlorine gas! IT CAN KILL YOU! Be careful.  If gas starts to escape from the hole and you can not get it safely covered, stand back till it dissipates. Use a bottle that will stay in the hole and plug it if possible. Keep all animals you do not want dead away from it. It will kill you and them if you are not careful.  

    But it will kill anything in the hole as well.  

  5. My preferred method is to use an M80.

  6. Moles hate sounds. My advice would be, next time we gets some decent weather, have a barbe in the garden with lots of music, that will drive them away.  

  7. I have to tell you that I have tried everything under the sun to rid my yard of moles. NOTHING works, but the traps. When we moved into our house , we caught 13 moles in 1 week. It's been 3 years and I'm down to 1 or 2 a year. I hate to kill anything, but it's the only thing that works. Don't fall for any of the repellents, whirly wigs. I work for a garden center and eveyone who buys the all the other stuff come back and complain.. good luck

  8. Try a mole repellent.

  9. You can make a device using a plastic bottle on a stick stuck into the ground. When it spins in the wind the noise is supposed to scare the moles off.

    My grandad used to fire his 12 bore shotgun down the hole!

  10. Get a cat! parent's cat is constantly killing moles.

  11. get a dog  preferably a Jack Russel

  12. if you had asked how to stop them digging up your garden -i would have said ''hide the spade''



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