
How do I get rid of My best freind?

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My best friend is always a Brat when I'm around her she is cranky and rude and one time she wouldn't let me leave her house or call my mom to come get me and we live in the city (not a big one) How do not become friends with her without her spreading rumors about me which she probably will. Please help




  1. BE A ***** BACK TO HER

  2.     She doesn't really sound like your best friend! LOL...Just stop planning things with her. Explain to your mom how you feel, that way she won't plan stuff without you knowing. Just always be busy when she calls, that way you won't have to see her. If she blows up at you for not hanging out with her anymore, just tell her how you feel! If she gets mad, too bad for her. She should stop acting like a jerk to you...

    I hope this helps! : )

  3. Why r u "best friends" with her?

  4. just spend less and less time with her and over time, just sort of disapear from her life

  5. why would u b frinds wit her. tell her she needs to quit being a leach and get a life

  6. Just call her up and explain to her that you are having difficulties getting along and you are sick of it..

    she sounds awfully bratty, but don't get wrapped up in her 'threats.' they're probably just her insecurities being taken out on you.=]


  7. you need to sit down and try to talk  her if you havnt already done so. or just tell her your fed up with her attitude and say that you dont want to be friends untill she gets her act together and yea it might hurt her feelings but she needs to understand that she cant do that to people and force them to be friends with her because thats not how life works

  8. every time neglect him and when he call 2-3 times say sorry.

    do this for 4 days and you are free

  9. distance yourself from her by not planning anything with her and by having plans already when she calls.

  10. That wouldnt be very nice but, just ignore her. Like when she calls and stuff like that just don't answer. Do not inviteher anywhere.

    I know what you mean when you are talking about brats and junk like that.

    I would just ditch her, even though  I wouldnt like to be ditched. You should just talk it out with her.

  11. If they are just rumours it is one thing, if fact another. Change friends or live with the facts Be careful what you share in the future.

  12. I've had this happen to me a lot especially by someone who i thought was one of my best friends. If she invites u over just tell her that either ur parents wont let u over or that u r busy with something else and also if she does spread rumors ignore them and if ppl ask just tell them that u wanted to stop being friends with her and that she is makin stuff up cause in the end it will make her look really bad especially if she does it to other ppl. U can also just make plans with other friends and ignore her and then eventually she will leave u alone and go on with her own business. Trust me i've had to do all of this before and its not fun but if u cant stand being around them then just stop hangin with them!

  13. You just stop talking to her and hanging with her... and if you think she will spread rumors about you you spread them about her first, not even rumors just tell peoples shes a brat and your fed up with her. She sounds horrid!

  14. plan stuff with other people and say your busy

  15. Tell her youre punished. Get your mom to play along too. =)

  16. Just like don't plan doing stuff with her and kind of ignore her or talk to her about being that way because doesn't sound like a best friend to me!

  17. try not to 'cling' on to her more often

    avoid her as much as you can. talk to girls, that she normally doesnt want you talking orrr i dont know..

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