
How do I get rid of ZITS!?

by  |  earlier

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I get zits on and off-- Sometimes I'll get it really bad and it gets all red and swolen and my zit (puss) comes back everyday. But other times they go away (I still have big pores and bumps in sensitive areas but its clear and not red or swollen) I just want them to go away, I have it really bad right now-- and I only really have a couple of zits in the middle of my forhead -- and my eyes and on my chin. HELP! (i dont want to buy stupid stuff that doesnt work like proactive and my dermatoligest just said "use soap and water, just bar soap and water")




  1. Try washing your face at night and morning with something like phisoderm to regulate Ph balance. After patting dry use witch hazel on a cotton ball. It's a natural astringent that kills bateria but is gentle. You can find it at the drugstore with the alcohol and peroxide. It doesn't dry and flake your skin like some of those harsh products that are made for acne treatment. Try using an oil free moisturizer before any makeup is applied and consider changing foundation if you wear it (or you might be a boy?)

  2. you picture is fake! iv seen it on fake myspaces, facebooks, tinypic, photobucket! i think you should get your REAL picture! =D and to answer your question pro-active!

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