
How do I get rid of a goundhog?

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I live in the ohio region. I know there are many names for a groundhog but that is what i call it. It is bigger then a cat. He eats all of my veggies out of my garden! To top it off he ONLY eats the red tomato's and leaves the green ones. He is also eating my neighbors. Any Ideas???? I just want him gone! :)




  1. fill some of your tomoatoes with rat poision, or just pull a fifty cent and shoot em.

  2. Oh dear!  Kill it?  Poison it?  My dears.......get a live trap, and put some apples with a little peanut butter on them and set the trap with them.  Wait....the little buggers (an where there is one, there are 20 more!).  Live trap them and take them, far far away from your home, preferably 20 miles into the country.  DO NOT release them near farms with horses or cows, the buggers will dig holes that the horses and cows will fall in and break their legs, requiring them to be put down.  BAD BAD BAD!  My backyard was over run with them when I first moved here, and they were BRAZEN!  Daring me to do something while looking at me and eating my garden JUST as it was about to give lots of good, ripe veggies too!  Did they care if they tromped all over my ALMOST fully grown corn?  My almost ripe tomatoes, and tons of green ones that never had a chance?  NO!  They had to go.  A neighbor of mine lent me his trap and showed me what to do, eventually, I got my own.  They now all reside at a cemetery, where holes are part of the landscape and no one really cares if they dig, as long as they don't open the caskets, which THEY DON'T!  You can get rid of them, just make sure when you are trapping them, you can check the trap every 2 hours, they do dehydrate QUICKLY and are easily killed from a FEW short hours of sun, when they are in a trap, so do be kind, set it only when you can look every hour to check for a LIVE ONE!  Be careful transporting, they can be quite nasty and they will p**p nasty p**p in fear and because they don't care if there is p**p all over your Lexus, lay down a tarp or lots of newspaper to toss after you have removed and relocated them.  Make it far enough from the house (10 miles is good) or they will hop a bus back to your house in a couple of days and be UNTRAPPABLE and even more MEAN!  Hope this helps you!  Good luck!

  3. This site has a lot of information on controlling them.

    You may also want to contact your local animal control.  They sometimes will set traps and relocate the animals for you.

    I hope you don't kill them and are able to relocate them.  I enjoy watching them, myself.  But they aren't in my yard, either.

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